What Does a Lumber Yard Worker Do?
Do you ever need building supplies?
If you answered yes, then you’ve no doubt made a few trips to lumber yards over the years. Even with the rise in prices for building materials over the past few years, the logging industry and lumber yards remain vital in keeping the construction industry up and running.
But have you ever thought about what a lumber yard worker does all day? This article will provide insight that shines a light on this crucial profession.
Here we take a look at what the average timber yard does to help the economy continue to hum along so that you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Keep reading to learn more.
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They Help Customers Fill Orders
One of the primary duties of lumber yard employees is to fill orders for customers. This typically involves asking the customer to pull their vehicle into the yard, and then use their paid invoice to gather the materials they’ve already purchased.
Filling orders is an important aspect of the lumber industry because it helps accelerate the flow of inventory and keeps customers happy.
They Keep Track of Inventory
When it comes to the timber industry, no one knows more about the inventory of a lumber yard better than the yard workers. That’s because they deal with every item, first hand, day after day. The average worker can tell you what’s in stock and the quantity of nearly every type of building material, all without needing a computer.
In fact, the people who work outside in the yard in the dust and dirt are the best employees to ask questions or to get help with whatever you’re looking for.
The average worker can tell you what’s in stock and the quantity of nearly every type of building material, all without needing a computer.
In fact, the people who work outside in the yard in the dust and dirt are the best employees to ask questions or to get help with whatever you’re looking for.
They Use Forklifts to Move Building Materials
If you’ve ever spent time around a lumber yard, then you’ve probably seen workers driving forklifts loaded with stacks of lumber, pallets of concrete, unloading semi-trailers, or loading materials onto a customer’s truck. This is a very common activity at lumber yards. In fact, forklift traffic at the average lumber yard is pretty much non-stop.
Here’s a resource where you can learn about piggyback forklift trailers.
They Work With Building Contractors
General building contractors depend on lumber yard workers to gather the materials they need to be delivered to a job site. This is a massive task that requires expertise in home construction and a thorough knowledge of the building process.
A Glimpse Into the Life of a Lumber Yard Worker
Building supplies have long been one of the cornerstones of the American economy. No matter what type of project you’re working on, you rely on the logging industry to provide the wood products you need. Fortunately, this glimpse into the day-to-day life of a lumber yard worker helps give you a greater appreciation for the services they offer.
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