
Serverwala Unlimited VPS Kolkata: The Solution to Grow Your Business Boundlessly

Are you running your own online business and putting all your efforts and hard work into making it grow but still didn’t find any result? Yes! Then we let you know what you should do and how you will get rapid business growth results. But for that, you must understand few things prior about your business, such as

  • Business size, i.e., startup, medium, or large scale
  • How many resources are you required
  • How much bandwidth you needed
  • How much traffic you are expected on your site
  • Performance and speed requirements
  • Network Reliability and so on.

If you know the answers to such questions, then you’ll find out the best solution. This means if you are running any small to medium size resource-intensive site, then you need a reliable web hosting platform. So, your site gets the maximum use of resources and services. For that, you should choose the VPS Kolkata for your site hosting. It gives you a high level of resources that helps you to accelerate your business growth.

If you want to know how VPS in Kolkata helps in business growth. Then stay with this guide till the end. You’ll surely get worthwhile solutions through this guide. So, let’s get started!

Serverwala VPS Hosting Kolkata Review

VPS Kolkata

VPS Hosting is a web hosting type that is basically used to host a site that comprises hundreds to thousands of web pages. The VPS or Virtual Private Server implies that you’ll be given private resources. No need to share valuable resources and webspace with another site. All belong entirely to a single user. This ensures high security, more availability of resources for your site, and more reliability.

Further, the VPS Kolkata server is an advanced version of shared hosting in which you get all the additional services that you won’t even expect with the Shared server. So, these resources ensure optimal performance and high speed that results in increased visitors. Hence, the increased visitors must be a reason for increased sales and business growth.

With VPS, you have two choices at all, from which you can opt for the flexible one, including Managed Kolkata VPS Server and Unmanaged VPS Kolkata Server. In Managed, users need to only focus on the sales, and the rest of the server management is the key responsibility of your web host. In contrast, Unmanaged Hosting is ultimately the sole responsibility of the user itself. You need to manage all aspects of hosting yourself, whether it’s about security, data backups, application installation, or others. It is cheaper in price than a Managed plan. However, users who have strong technical skills must opt for unmanaged plans to handle and configure their server according to their business requirements.

After going through the basic mechanism of the Best VPS Hosting in Kolkata, you should also know why it is considered the ideal option for your business growth. So, continue reading this post to know the answers.

Why VPS Kolkata is the Best Solution For Your Business

VPS Kolkata

VPS server is the affordable and secure web hosting type that offers so many benefits to your budget. So, even users with a low budget can benefit from their business with the enterprise-grade services of VPS Kolkata hosting. So, here we let you know some of the top benefits that influence users to consider VPS the best solution for your online business.

#1. Optimal Performance

With all the reliable resources, infrastructure, hosting environment, robust hardware tools, and better configurations of the Best VPS in Kolkata, you can ensure the optimal performance of your site.

#2. Security with SSL certificate

With Virtual Private Server, you will undoubtedly get assured a high level of data security, including DDoS protection, Advanced Encryptions Standard Security, Transport Layer Security, SSL certificate, and much-inbuilt security software. All these security measures ensure the high protection of your site’s personal and confidential data.

#3. Root or SSH level Control

To manage your server hosting on your own, you get your server’s SSH or Root access. So, you can easily make any changes, modifications, and configurations with ease without any third-party permission. You are also free to install applications and software of your choice.

#4. Greater Customer Support

With the Cheap VPS Kolkata hosting plans, you’ll undoubtedly get seamless customer and technical support from the web host. So, if you are hosting your site with a reliable web host, you won’t have to worry about customer support.

#5. Easy Server Management

If you want complete server management, it must be recommended to go with the Managed VPS Hosting. So, you will get all the managed services, including application installation, software update, data backups & security, and much more. All these are key responsibilities of your web host. So, if you don’t have any time to manage your server, it’s better to go with the managed one.

#6. Scalable Resources

With the Kolkata VPS Hosting, you get the high scalability that ensures the flexibility to scale up your resources. So, you can quickly expand your resources, including Random Access Memory, Solid State Drive, Bandwidth, and so on, with one click.

#7. Highly Reliable and Flexible

VPS Server provides you an independent hosting platform with dedicated resources that ensure your site’s maximum availability of resources. This ensures the high reliability of your hosting infrastructure.

So, you may also know the exclusive perks of choosing the VPS Kolkata hosting for your online business. Now it’s time to choose the right web host. However, you can expect rapid business growth if your decision is correct because the web host is the most important pillar that plays a vital role in your business success. So, I would like to recommend going with the Serverwala web host because it is a one-stop solution for your business needs.

Know About Serverwala

VPS Kolkata

Serverwala is an offshoring and renowned web hosting provider that has been rendering so many hosting services since 2015 to meet the user’s business requirements. So, you can buy the hosting from plenty of options(VPS, Shared, Dedicated, Colocation, Cluster, Cloud) at an affordable price from Serverwala. This is because all the plans and packages are designed by keeping the hosting environment and user’s business requirements in mind. However, it must be easy for users with a low budget to enjoy the hosting benefits for their business with Serverwala. Further, the company provides you with a wide range of services and support with their web hosting services. Also, they have the best and expert team of professionals that are always ready to help and assist you. So, you can quickly contact their customer executives to get an instant solution.

Cheap And Best Plans of VPS Hosting Kolkata: Serverwala

VPS Kolkata

Serverwala Cloud Datacenter provides many web hosting services, including VPS Kolkata plans for Windows and Linux. You can select any package and customize it according to your website requirements. You can check the availability of plans in below image:

Most Important Feature of Serverwala VPS Hosting Kolkata

VPS Kolkata

Check the below-mentioned top features of VPS Kolkata hosting that can benefit your business in raising the reputations of your online business and maximizing revenue. Let’s check out:

#1. Choice of OS 

#2. Self Managed VPS with Class-Leading Scalability

#3. Enterprise-grade hardware

#4. 99.99% Uptime Guarantee

#5. Cloud-Powered VPS Server

#6. Resource Monitoring Dashboard

#7. More Enhanced Security

#8. Optimal Performance

#9. Managed and Unmanaged Choice

#10. One-Click Installer

#11. Control Panel Choice

#12. Real-Time Server Support

Client Review

Clients across the globe really appreciate the way Serverwala committed to its promises and serving reliable services. Hence, I was completely impressed and enjoyed the services a lot. So, if you doubt your decision, you can also check the customer reviews of Serverwala posted on the top reviews sites.

In a Nutshell

If you want to grow your online business at a rapid pace in this competitive era. In that case, it’s better to go with a web host that provides you with reliable and affordable web hosting services with many benefits. Therefore, Serverwala’s Cheap Kolkata hosting is the best option for your business hosting because it allows for the services and supports you are looking for. Also, with their VPS services, you can bolster your site performance, speed, visibility, and online presence. Therefore, you can quickly expect high traffic and more sales. This results in the growth of your business boundlessly.

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