SEO – Essential to Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Any type of business, at any size, benefits from implementing an effective digital marketing strategy. What this entails can vary greatly depending on your business, industry, audience, and goals, but some pieces of the puzzle should be implemented regardless.
A comprehensive marketing campaign may include branding, design, content marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media ads, direct mail, SMS marketing, public relations, video marketing, and more.
SEO is also an intrinsic aspect of marketing that you really can’t afford to ignore if you seek maximum online visibility and positive exposure.
If you are serious about increasing your visibility online, generating valuable and relevant leads, encouraging website visits, and triggering conversions, you should consider a professional SEO strategy and campaign offered by a nationwide expert SEO agency.
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SEO Explained
SEO stands for “search engine optimisation”. It involves targeted, sometimes complex activities that are undertaken both on and off a website. These combine and effectively improve the website’s “organic” reach. This means that rather than paying for ads to be shown to internet users, or marketing with a hard-selling approach, you optimise your website’s landing page position in search engine results pages. This improves your overall online presence and visibility when people use Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, Yandex, and other search engines to find what you offer.
When you hire a professional SEO provider for a strategic SEO campaign, you benefit from:
ü Optimised targeting for lead generation
ü A higher position in search engine results pages
ü More, relevant website traffic
ü Optimised online visibility to the right audiences at the right time
ü Improved brand awareness and recognition
ü Boosted queries, and sales
ü Enhanced loyalty and customer retention
What’s Involved in SEO?
Search engine optimisation incorporates a wide pool of actions on and off a website. These include:
ü Initial website audit
ü Keyword analysis/optimisation/selection
ü Optimisation of URL/s, Meta Titles, H1 Tags, and Meta Descriptions for all landing pages
ü Content creation/optimisation – this includes website copy, social media content, and more.
ü Image optimisation
ü Sitemap creation/submission
ü 404 error pages/301 redirects
ü Internal and external link-building
ü Article creation and optimisation – blogs, guest articles, and other submissions
ü SEO-focused social media posts
These actions work together to influence Google and other relevant search engines to take note of and value your landing pages, rank your site, and place it in a higher position in search engine results.
Digital Marketing and SEO
Marketing actions and approaches such as Paid Ads and email marketing are very important, however, keyword-based organic search remains the most common way internet users look for what they need online.
SEO’s primary goal is to improve a website in terms of how it performs for search engine algorithms; it also enhances the human experience of using a site. It is a dynamic strategy that requires a long-term, ongoing, active strategy and needs to be able to adapt to the regular algorithm changes that search engines implement.
Ultimately, search engine ranks are influenced and determined by everything from your online content quality to keyword selection, user experience (UX), website optimisation including navigation, page speed, and functionality, backlink quality, internal linking, mobile optimisation, and much more.
Performed well, SEO effectively drives continuous, relevant traffic to your website. It’s a great way to support and enhance your other marketing and branding activities.
The Importance of Expert Services
When you choose a digital marketing agency, you need to make sure that they have SEO-specific expertise on staff. Not all people who call themselves SEO providers and who provide “SEO” services are in-depth, professional experts and there are plenty of digital companies who only get “half the job done” in terms of SEO, if at all.
Delivered properly and completely, SEO is very complex and comprises many diverse moving parts.
Some aspects of SEO are quite simple to implement on a website. Achieving maximum results, however, requires expert insights, technical tools and support, and an ongoing, longer-term campaign. The right marketing provider for you will provide this service.