
5 Commons Signs of a Pinched Nerve

Do you suffer from aches and pains in your neck and upper back? Does your neck sometimes feel stiff or heat up? Have you missed work or been embarrassed by pain in front of others?

If so, there’s a chance you have a pinched nerve. Nerves within your spine can get compressed or inflamed, causing discomfort within the neck or back.

The good news is that a superficial pinched nerve is often treatable at home rather than requiring surgery. The signs of a pinched nerve may vary depending on age, gender, or type.

Keep reading for the top common signs that you may have a pinched nerve.

Signs of a Pinched Nerve

Several common signs may indicate a nerve is pinched. But if the nerve is severely pinched, there may be muscle paralysis or loss of sensation. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is vital to see a professional as soon as possible so that they can administer proper treatment.

1. Sharp Aching or Shooting Pain

This pain is caused by pressure that can irritate and inflame the nerve. It can be from the muscle, tendons, or bones. When the pressure is on the nerve, it can cause inflammation and swelling.

2. Numbness or Tingling

A pinched nerve can also cause numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected areas. This is caused by the compression of the nerve, which can prevent normal blood flow and cause it to malfunction.

3. Muscle Weakness

This can occur because the nerve cannot send the correct signals to the muscles. This can cause the muscles to become weak and unable to work correctly.

4. Difficulty Moving the Affected Body Part

This is often accompanied by pain, numbness, or tingling. If the nerve is in the neck, turning the head or holding it in one position for too long may be difficult. If the nerve is in the arm, moving the arm or hand may be challenging.

5. Worsening Pain With Certain Movements

Another significant signs of a pinched nerve is when the pain worsens with certain positions or movements. The pain may also worsen when you sneeze, cough, or sit for long periods.

How to Treat a Pinched Nerve

It’s essential to see a professional, determine the cause, and get pinched nerve treatments. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need medication, physical therapy, or surgery.

You can also consider a natural and scientific treatment to help prevent pinched nerves. This may help alleviate pain and improve mobility. For the best results, take time to visit this chiropractor to get a quote on how to treat your symptoms the natural way.

The sooner you are diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of preventing serious complications.

Treat and Care for Your Nerves Effectively

Suppose you are experiencing any of the most common signs of a pinched nerve. In that case, it is vital to seek medical attention and get an accurate diagnosis and plan of care. Left untreated, it can lead to more serious conditions, such as nerve damage, and become a severe problem.

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