
How to Become a Medical Device Sales Rep

Currently, around 46% of employees say they’re thinking about changing careers. If you’re part of that group and you enjoy talking to people to showcase different products, consider getting into medical device sales.

Becoming a medical device sales rep can be a fulfilling and lucrative role if you know what you’re getting into. Keep reading to learn how to become a medical device sales rep so you can decide if it’s the right career path for you.

Start With Education

First things first, decide whether or not you can (or want) to go to college. If it’s an option for you, aim to get a degree in a healthcare or sales-related field. This will give you an instant edge over other applicants.

If you don’t have the time or the funds to go back to school, brush up on your sales skills since that will be one of the most fundamental parts of your new role. If you have experience in sales already, that’s great!

If not, try to find a sales-oriented mentor who can help you learn important skills. You can also start researching insurance and medical regulations to learn more about the industry.

Find Out Which Skills Hiring Managers Want to See

It’s also a good idea to find out what skills hiring managers want to see in potential candidates. Many companies are actively hiring medical device recruiters. Take the time to talk with these recruiters to learn what you can do to make yourself more marketable.

The recruiters will be able to give you an inside look at what companies want to see when interviewing you. As a good rule of thumb, a medical device sales rep should have the following skills:

  • Excellent communication
  • Ambition and drive to hit sales goals
  • Dedication to customer service
  • Confidence in themselves and the products they sell

If you’re lacking in any of those skills, now is the time to work on building them.

Look for Relevant Certifications

To help you stand out even more in a sea of candidates, consider pursuing certifications. For example, both the Independent Medical Distributors Association and the National Association of Medical Sales Representatives offer different certification options. Do some research into what’s out there and choose one that best fits the path you want to take.

Get On-the-Job Experience

One of the best ways to make yourself stand out while job hunting is to prove you have experience. But, how do you gain experience before you actually get hired? Start by looking for internships with companies in the medical device sales field. Or, look for opportunities for you to shadow an experienced rep when they’re on the job.

If neither of those options is available, try looking for any kind of job in a medical office to help you get more familiar with the industry.

Learn How to Become a Medical Device Sales Rep

After reading through this brief guide, you should have a better idea of how to become a medical device sales rep. Are you up to the task? Getting the right education and certifications, along with developing your sales skills can put you in a position for success. Now, it’s up to you to make it happen!

Want to read more like this as you consider beginning a new career? Browse through our full collection of articles today.


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