
What Are the Different Types of Dental Procedures Performed Today?

A lot of us have a little fear of the dentist. It’s not uncommon for some of us to avoid the dentist altogether out of fear of pain and discomfort. That said, visiting the dentist is a preventative measure against gum disease, tooth pain, and much more.

Plus, dentistry has come a long way. It’s not as painful or uncomfortable as it might have been at one point. Understanding modern dental procedures is a good way to break that fear down motivate yourself to see a dentist.

We’ll look at some of the common procedures you might have done at your local dentist. Let’s get started.

Dental Fillings

Fillings are one of the most common procedures that dentists do. To complete a filling, the dentist must clean the affected area. In most cases, there’s a cavity that exists between two teeth and results from excess decay.

The cavity is cleaned, and there might be a little smoothing out that has to be done before the filling is inserted. The filling is added, then it’s solidified by the dentist.

You’ll then get asked to bite down to see whether the filling sits well in your mouth. If you have any discomfort when biting, be sure to tell your dentist. If you don’t, you’ll have to carry on with an uncomfortable bite or come back in to have it fixed.

Even the best dentist can’t feel what a tooth feels like in your mouth, so it’s important to voice any concerns.

Tooth Extractions and Replacement Methods

Extracting and replacing teeth is another thing that dentists do on a regular basis. There’s a number of reasons that a tooth might have to be extracted. Decay is a big one.

If a tooth decays and allows bacteria to run rampant, it poses a big risk to your oral health. The best option is often to remove the tooth, clean the affected area, and replace the tooth with a synthetic one.

In these cases, you’ll have access to some pain-relieving medication. There are some instances where novocaine is all that’s needed to numb and protect the patient from significant pain.

Complex issues with the tooth might require oral surgery, in which case the patient is put under.

In terms of replacing teeth, there are a number of options to work with. Crowns, bridges, implants, and more are available. These are all different options that dentists provide so that you can have good-looking teeth that accommodate a variety of budgets.

Dental implants are the most realistic and resilient, but they’re also the most expensive. Crowns and bridges look great as well, but they’re a lot cheaper than implants. They might require a little more maintenance, though.

Beyond the procedures above, you’re likely to experience a solid cleaning once or twice a year.

Want to Learn More About Dental Procedures?

It’s important to note that dental procedures aren’t scary. It might seem intimidating to have doctors putting their hands in your mouth, and maybe you had an uncomfortable experience in the past, but you’re in safe hands.

Explore our site to learn more about the dental industry, find a new dental office, and much more.


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