8 Clever House Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms
Being a mom while managing daily chores, personal life, and work is not easy. It’s not hidden from anyone that working moms are on duty 24×7, working approximately 98 hours a week.
Maintaining a clean, shiny, sparkling house as a busy mom itself feels like something next to impossible. The sofa you just arranged is again messed up. The mirror you shined is spoiled because some touched it with dirty hands. The fresh carpet delivered from the laundry is again stained with baby food.
If you figure out how to manage things quickly and in the simplest way possible, no one can stop to manage everything seamlessly without getting burned out.
A simplified, clutter-free home before becoming a mom probably meant a self-healing task while playing your favorite song on full volume. But now, it feels like a procrastinated task waiting for you to be done, and there is no more energy left in you.
Before becoming a mother, you had complete control of your belongings, using your free time diligently to organize things and wiping off the dust from every corner of your house, deep cleaning your bathroom tiles, mopping the floor every day, finishing up the laundry load every day & even spent time on studying about different ways to make your bed just like a 5-star suite.
Now running after your kids all day, pushing yourself hard, and managing your professional life and kitchen, you feel lucky about yourself. Finding some time to sweep the floor once or make it look sparkling using a mop and always feel like calling up the nearby home cleaning services, but even that seems like time taking.
Though you are happy giving your time to your little ones and somehow can manage your chores and office, letting your house be dirty and cluttered is not all an option. It can even affect you and your child’s health, so the effort of dialing up residential cleaning services is a good idea in such a case. But wait a moment before you dial. Here are eight cleaning tips for busy moms which are very useful & can help you keep your home hygienic, decluttered & germ-free
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Eight House Cleaning Tips That Every Working Moms Should Know
1. Get a cleaning robot
The technology has developed beyond your imagination, and you only need to get up to press the start button. A robot to clean your floors, which will make your essential cleaning done while you are busy feeding your toddler & forget your old-fashioned broom, mop, and back pain which were used to make your floor clean.
2. Empty dishwasher whenever possible
Everyone wishes to enter a clean, organized, and odorless kitchen. A sink full of dishes because no one bothered about emptying the dishwasher after the dishes were done, so there is no space to keep used dishes.
The habit of clearing the dishwasher just after the drying cycle turns off so anyone can place dirty dishes directly in the dishwasher, keeping your sink and counters clean and clear.
3. Run your washing machine only once a day
Finishing up multiple loads of laundry daily can ruin your weekends and even your washing machine. Clean up your dirty laundry pile by doing one load per day, and you will save a lot of time and be free from a huge pile of dirty clothes at the weekend.
4. Switch to reusable cleaning clothes
Loading up your dustbin with single-use kitchen towels is not a clean habit for you and the environment. Use 2-3 good quality cleaning cloths and use them for all your cleaning needs. You can get them easily from the supermarket or online. These cleaning clothes are best for cleaning even the most challenging surfaces.
5. Prevent dirt from getting inside.
One can easily get frustrated if the person has just cleaned the floor and you bring your dirty shoes in. The easiest way to avoid this from happening is using a shoe rack or a good quality foot mat which helps a lot to keep the dirt out of the house. Whoever comes to visit your place must take off their shoes right away when they enter the door, so the dirt stays collected in one place.
6. Get the worst part over first.
Seriously!! You know that daunting chore is following you around, nagging in your brain, and stressing you out. Do it first, and just watch how much calmer you feel for the rest of the day. All the rest of your tasks will seem much more accomplishable when you’ve already completed the most difficult task of the day.
7. Clean while you’re cooking.
Cooking meals often take a lot of time. While you are baking a cake or boiling potatoes, you don’t need to stand and stir. Use that time to clean up the kitchen or use this time to clean tough areas, clear up the refrigerator, and refill containers. Managing time plays a great role in keeping you stress-free every day.
8. Multi-tasking.
Mothers are synonyms for multi-tasker. Use multitasking as a tool to save more time. Do tasks while you are doing the tough and time taking tasks! If you need to call your friend this weekend, do it today while doing your dishes. Multitasking becomes an essential thing for moms with professional life & household work.
Did you like these eight clever house cleaning tips for moms? But if you still think you need more help, you can contact residential house cleaning services in Dubai for the best results that make your life easy and leave your home spotless.