
What’s the Best SEO strategy for Multi-location Businesses?

Having a business in multiple locations that you need to search engine optimization could be complicated and tasking. Unlike a single-location company where you have the simple option of channeling all your SEO strategies to one location, a business having multiple locations brings up a challenge on how best to optimize your business website. There would be many locations the company would be considering as part of the consistent “keywords” on the site. Nevertheless, there are ways to optimize a place to connect to several locations and perform well on SERP.

Best SEO Strategies for Multi-location Businesses

1. Working with Digital Marketing Agencies: The fastest way to perform well on SERP concerning a multi-location business involves digital marketing agencies who are good at SEO to work on optimizing your site. There are agencies worldwide that can help out with content marketing services, link building services, technical SEO services, etc., the best way you want. In fact, you can even partner with a digital marketing agency that would give you the best result in a short time, instead of taking so much to get it done. As Rilind Elezaj from Tactica, the SEO agency says: “SEO experts and SEO agencies study your business and company from every angle and they gather data from all the corners of the industry in order to understand exactly what your customers want and don’t want.” If you are confused or not that knowledgeable about SEO, you should consider working with other people.

2. Ask for the Services of an SEO Consultant: An SEO consultant is another great person that would ease the worries and stress from your back in optimizing your site for multiple locations. The good thing about an SEO consultant is that, unlike digital marketing agencies where there might be limited knowledge of growing your site, an SEO consultant knows full well what is involved in optimizing a site. You only need to seek their services and receive a good result or work effectively done on your site.

3. Each Page or Post should be Location Specific: You have to make sure each page or post has a particular location to target with related “keywords,” instead of putting so many places in one page or post. When writing or drafting a page or post on your website, you should endeavor to make that post or page channel all its effort to one location. For instance, you have a website selling perfumes in different areas, target London on a particular post, and use excellent copy that converts in the process. It is a total no to put so many locations in a specific URL and page. In such cases, you must take into account the fact that the content of your website should be fit for audiences of each location. You might have to consider working with a translation services company for well-translated content. 

4. Getting Reviews about different Locations: Another way to optimize your SEO for multiple-location businesses is to get reviews about the services you render or the company you do, writing about them embedding different locations in the keywords. It would help if you got reviews from other website owners, and when the thoughts come, each careful consideration should be about one location. When this is done, these sites would link to yours, improve your standing on SERP, and drive traffic to that particular location to your website. For example, if you run a medical marijuana dispensary business with multiple locations, and you’re looking to do your Cannabis SEO correctly, you need to set up Google Maps for each location and get sufficient reviews at each store to compete with other dispensaries.

5. List Contact Properly: You should not forget to list your contact properly, whichever way you want to do it, whether it is on different pages or on the same page, you should endeavor to make sure your business name, the exact address of a location, and your business phone number are on the website to be tracked by search engine bots and your readers. The best option is to have a single contact us page and list all your locations and addresses using the same phone number. You can also do it. Otherwise, all of them are part of what makes your business rank as a multiple-location business.


Online business owners think that the only option available in SEO is in single-location businesses, but this is not true. Multiple-location companies can also optimize their sites for search engines following the excellent process that is meant for it. There are various ways that these types of websites can be optimized, and if it is rigidly followed, you should expect a quick result of your site performance on SERP. If you are also quite a novice on what to do and how to go about it, you should also consider it an alternative and progress in that aspect.

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