Home Improvement

What Are Your Clean Energy Options as a Homeowner?

In 2020, the US electricity generation comprises nearly 20% renewable energy.

Are you thinking about going green and switching to clean energy? But which clean energy option is best for your home?

There are many options, and it can be hard to know where to begin. At first glance, it can also be overwhelming given the amount of jargon and technical terms used to describe the various clean energy options.

Here is an essential guide to the types of clean energy available to homeowners.

Clean Energy from Solar Power

Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source to power your home. Solar panels collect sunlight and convert it into electrical energy that you can use to power your home.

Solar power is an excellent option for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint and do their part to combat climate change. It is also a great way to save money on your energy bill, as it is a free energy source.

Look for a reputable solar energy company to get started in using solar power for your home. Visit this solar installation website to know more about what they have to offer and how to access their services.

Hydroelectric Systems

Hydroelectric systems use the energy of flowing water to generate electricity. They are useful in small and large-scale installations.

For example, you could install a small hydroelectric system in your home to offset a part of your energy use. Or you can take part in a larger community or regional hydroelectric system.

A hydro power system that is right for you depends on many factors. These factors include the size and flow of the water source, the amount of electricity you need, and your budget.

Solar Heating

You can use solar heating systems to supplement your existing heating system or as your primary heat source. The system uses the heat from the outside air to provide the heating you need.

It works similar to a fridge but in the opposite process. Solar heating can be used to heat your water, your home, or your pool.

Wind Energy

Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Wind energy is a clean and efficient way to generate electricity, and it is also one of the most affordable options.

Homeowners can install wind turbines on their property and connect them to the electrical grid. It will allow them to generate and sell any excess electricity to the utility company.

Biomass Systems

Biomass systems use organic matter to produce energy. You can use them to heat your home or produce electricity.

Wood is the most common type of organic matter used in biomass systems. But you can also use other materials, such as manure and crops.

Biomass systems are renewable and emissions-free. This makes them an excellent option for those who want to reduce their environmental impact.

Save Money With Renewable Energy

Now that you know some of the clean energy options, you can start making your home more energy-efficient. Contact your local utility company to know which green power program is right for you.

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