
How to Spice Up a Relationship: 3 Great Tips

Are you struggling to keep your relationship fresh and fun?

Even the strongest of bonds can fall into a pattern, where you start taking each other for granted. Everyone gets caught up in their own world and forgets to take time out to nurture their relationship.

When this happens, it’s easy to question if your relationship has a future, or if it’s already over. The thing is, it’s never too late, regardless of how your relationship is doing right now.

We are a couple’s retreat that offers marriage therapy retreat in the heart of Austin. Our retreats will help you learn how to communicate, resolve conflict and heal your relationship. Just keep reading for our three favorite tips on how to spice up a relationship.

1. Be More Adventurous

Since the weather is getting warmer and the days are longer, there are more opportunities to get out there and explore together.

Be more adventurous. Trying new things together can be a fun way to inject some excitement into your relationship.

Plan a weekend getaway to somewhere you’ve never been or just simply try new things together, like taking a dance class or going on a hike in a new location.

Getting out of your comfort zone together can help bring you closer and make your relationship more exciting. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that will put a smile on your partner’s face.

2. Make Time for Each Other

It can be easy to let the excitement of a new relationship fizzle out.

Keep the spark alive by making time for each other,  and communicating often. Carving out time for each other is necessary to keep the flame burning.

You can cook dinner together, play tourist and walk around your own city, or just spend an evening cuddling on the couch. New experiences will help you learn more about each other and build excitement.

Talk about what you like and don’t like, be honest about your feelings, and keep the lines of communication open.  And don’t forget to schedule in some regular non-sexual affection, like cuddling, kissing, and hand-holding.

3. Get a Little Naughty

Although it might seem like an unassuming way of spicing things up, getting a little naughty with your partner can actually do wonders for your relationship.

One of the best sex tips is to talk dirty to each other. This doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but simply expressing your desires to each other can be incredibly erotic.

Get daring with your fantasies. Whether it’s role-playing or trying out new positions, pushing your boundaries together can help create a deeper level of intimacy.

If you and your partner are normally pretty vanilla in the bedroom, mix things up by introducing some new toys or role-playing. Don’t know where to start? View here for more ideas to get you going.

How to Spice Up a Relationship

If your relationship has lost its spark, don’t despair. There are many things you can do to reignite passion. Learn new things on how to spice up a relationship and try some of these tips and see how things will change.

Who knows, you may find yourself falling in love all over again.

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