
CV And LinkedIn Profile: The Real Difference

CV and LinkedIn profile are the essential keys for you to get your dream job and that raises the question – Should they be the same or different? Does your CV need to match your LinkedIn profile? We will answer all your questions and clarify your doubts in this article. We will also highlight the differences you need to take into consideration when creating your LinkedIn profile or CV.

A LinkedIn profile is very different from a CV. There are many differences in the creation of LinkedIn profiles and CVs and the ways in which they are structured and written. The main difference lies in the content and also the tone in which they are written. 

CVs are more formal and written in the third person mostly, whereas LinkedIn profiles are less formal and written in the first person. But both your LinkedIn profile and CV must highlight your strengths, expertise, and beliefs as a professional. There are various LinkedIn writing services in India that can help you further if you are looking for help from experts.

The Difference

1. LinkedIn Profiles Are More Informal

LinkedIn is more of a social media platform where you can build professional relationships. Therefore, you should use a rather informal writing style.

In the case of a CV, it should be more formal because you are not trying to form any personal relationship with the reader. You are just trying to emphasize your skills, strengths, experience as a professional, and achievements so far.

2. CV Is Written In The Third Person

CVs and Resumes are written in the third person most of the time so that the recruiters can focus on your abilities and capabilities as a candidate. The writing is less repetitive if you use the third person as it is used without pronouns.

On the other hand, you should never use the third person while writing for your LinkedIn profile. Keep in mind that you are attempting to build relationships on LinkedIn and writing in the third person would create a very negative impression, and in turn, this will affect your chances of success.

In contrast to the third person, it is better to write in the first person for LinkedIn as it is much more personal. It makes the reader feel like you are directly speaking to them, whereas, if you write in the third person, it would seem like someone else is writing on your behalf. Hence, it is advised to use the first person while writing for your LinkedIn profile.

3. The Summaries Of CV And LinkedIn

Both of these begin with a summary. However, they are very different from one another in the way they are written, as they should be. CV and Resume summaries are personal statements and are also considered professional profiles. These summaries must be brief and concise and within 50 to 100 words. It should highlight why you are fit for the role in just a few words.

LinkedIn profile summaries are expected to be longer and more detailed. They have a 2000 character limit, which is around 320 words. Although you need not include 2000 characters in the summary, you need to highlight more of yourself in terms of personality and professionalism. The LinkedIn writing services available in India can help you write the perfect summary for your profile.

4. LinkedIn Profile Demands Photos

On CVs and Resumes, photos are not expected when applying for a job. On LinkedIn, however, you must have a professional profile photo, which has to be a headshot of yourself wearing proper work attire in an appropriate background. Be sure to smile and be confident while taking the photo.

5. Optimization Of Keyword

Keyword optimization techniques must be used in both CV and LinkedIn profiles. Keyword optimization techniques are used in your CV or Resume to ensure that you are ranked highly in the Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS, which is a recruitment software used by HR departments to help them filter the CVs. You need to insert the most important keywords in the most appropriate areas for optimizing your CV on ATS.

On LinkedIn, keyword optimization is used to generate more traffic on your profile. You can do this by using relevant keywords in the right sections of your profile. There are experts who can help you with this and some companies provide LinkedIn writing services in India.

Unlike CVs, which are filtered by ATS, LinkedIn profile reach depends on search engines. So, the technique one uses for CVs and LinkedIn profiles has to be different.

6. Images, Videos, And Interactive Media On LinkedIn

The feature to upload images, videos, and interactive media on LinkedIn makes it different from CVs and Resumes. It showcases your achievements in the most effective way and makes your profile more attractive and interactive, thus also increasing engagement. This increases your chances of finding the perfect job. 

These images, videos, presentations, and documents set your profile apart from the rest and make it more personable. These media can be inserted in the summary, education, and work experience section of your profile. The media will vary according to the section. This helps you show the recruiters what connections you have made and how much you have achieved throughout your journey as a professional. CVs and Resumes, on the other hand, usually don’t contain images.

7. Secondary/Additional information

Some information that cannot go on your CV and resume can be included on your LinkedIn profile. Work experience that is not relevant for your CV or the recent experiences that you cannot add to your CV because there is no space for it, can be included on your LinkedIn profile.

However, you can provide the link to your LinkedIn profile on your CV so that the recruiters can visit it if they wish to do so. Your LinkedIn profile can also include your hobbies and interests. On the contrary, your CV cannot do so. You can link your skills to your hobbies and interests when you describe them on your LinkedIn profile.

You can also include specific projects you have worked on in the ‘Projects’ section of your LinkedIn profile. Here one can mention the details regarding the projects he/she has worked on. Your CV restricts you from including all of this in it. You must have all the additional information in your LinkedIn profile, which you cannot include in your CV.

8. LinkedIn Has A Broader Appeal

CVs are job-specific as you must mention only the skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

On the contrary, your LinkedIn profile appeals to a broader range of people. Recruiters won’t necessarily be viewing your profile for a specific role, so don’t constrict your LinkedIn profile to a specific role. Showcase your expertise in various fields and include keywords that could make your profile reach more recruiters.

You will also be able to build more connections by using this method. However, also remember to not get so engrossed in creating a broader appeal that your profile becomes generic. Find the balance between the two.

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CVs and LinkedIn profiles are different from each other. They should complement each other to throw light on the skills and values you carry on a professional and personal level. While the CV highlights your skills and abilities on a professional level, LinkedIn lets recruiters catch a glimpse of your personality as well and this helps them find the perfect candidate for the role. 

We hope this article has helped you. However, if you have any more queries you can always seek professional help from companies that provide LinkedIn writing services in India.

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