Botulinum Toxin – How Does It Work and What to Expect?
Botulinum toxin is in great usage in the world of Botox cosmetic procedures. This toxin is produced by a unique kind of bacteria. Only mild dosage can prove beneficial for many dermatological procedures, and excess usage can become dangerous. A mild dosage of this toxin is used to take care of the wrinkled skin around the eye or in any other facial region.
Botox procedure is administered to almost 12 regions on the face, and only proper administration can offer the expected results. You can expect such expert procedures by visiting the London Lip Clinic. They are a team of experts and are famous for offering expert Botox Londonservice for you. You can visit their clinic or the official website to book an appointment.
Botulinum and Wrinkle Reduction
Here is detailed information regarding the working mechanism of Botulinum toxin on skin wrinkling.
- The required volume of botulinum toxin will be injected into the required region on the face.
- The toxin blocks the nerves that handle the work of muscle contraction in the face. This makes the muscles relax, which in turn reduces the appearance of unwanted wrinkles on the skin.
The effect of botulinum toxin can stay up to 3 to 6 months after the procedure is followed.
How is Botulinum Administered?
- The dermatologist will first rub some anaesthetic supplement on the skin layer, where the toxin will be injected.
- They will then inject the toxin into the facial muscle.
You will experience the effect of the toxin after a few minutes of the injection. This is a procedure that will not require more than a few minutes and will be done under the sterilized condition.
After the procedure, you need to consult your doctor regarding what activities are allowed and what is not allowed. You will experience the effect of the procedure within a week after the treatment. You need to repeat the procedure 6 months after the treatment.
Botulinum Toxin Injection Suggestions
Here are some of the people that can undergo this procedure.
- The patient should be at least 18 years or more.
- The patient should not have any underlying medical issues.
Who cannot Undergo through the Procedure?
Here are some people that are not suggested to undergo the procedure.
- The people with some neuromuscular disease
- Nursing or pregnant women
- The people with some skin issues near the area of injection
- The people with some weakness in some of the facial muscles
- The people with deep facial scars, ptosis or drooping eyelids, with an uneven feature on the face, and so on.
Who can Administer the Injection?
The person that is qualified to administer botulinum toxin injection should be a board-certified physician, dermatologist, or even a plastic surgeon. If you are not sure how to find one, then you can always rely on the results on some of the exclusive websites. You can even consult your physician for expert suggestions.
Just like any other procedure, this botulinum toxin injection also comes with some negative effects on your skin. Hence, it is suggested to understand everything about the process before choosing it.