Did you know that studies suggest diluted essential oils delivered by spray effectively reduce viral and bacterial concentrations on hard surfaces such as ceramic, tile, and stainless steel?
Essential oils are less harsh than antibacterial sprays full of chemicals and bleach. Oils have the added benefit of smelling good and in the dilute form are less sensitizing than harsh chemicals.
There are many types of essential oils. If you’re new to oils or interested in learning more, here’s a list of essential oils and their uses.
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Essential Oils: What Are They?
Essential oils are concentrated oils from plant extracts. There are different methods of extraction for getting the oils from plants, including steam installation and cold pressing.
Oil extraction is an intensive process and it takes many plants to get a small amount of oil. That’s why high-quality essential oils are expensive. For one pound of lavender essential oil, it takes about 250 pounds of lavender flowers!
How Do Essential Oils Work?
The essential oil molecules travel from your nose to the brain, stimulating the amygdala. The amygdala is the area that houses your emotions.
You can diffuse essential oils in a diffuser with water, put a few drops on the skin, or even in your drinking water. It’s important to know what type of essential oil you’re using before you put it on your skin or drink it. Some oils are only for diffusing, like this great-smelling essential-oil product.
List of Essential Oils and Their Uses
There are many types of essential oils and many different brands. When buying essential oils, most brands carry at least the basics. This list includes some of the most well-known and useful essential oils.
Never ingest an oil or put it on your skin unless the label says it’s safe to do so.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is well known for its sedative qualities and is great to diffuse if you have trouble sleeping. Lavender oil also helps anxiety and is an anti-inflammatory.
Tea Tree Oil
You’ll hear a lot about tea tree oil if you follow any natural beauty bloggers. Tea tree grows in Australia and is great for wound healing and skin ailments, such as acne.
You can even get tea tree oil that’s safe for making a DIY mouthwash.
Oregano Oil
Oregano has immune-boosting properties and is also a great cleansing agent. It was even found effective against the superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in at least one past study.
Lemon Oil
Lemon oil essential oil is another powerful cleanser. It’s also a great mood booster and helps diminish wrinkles! This is due to the D-limonene content.
Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass is one of the best essential oils with its promising anticancer abilities. Studies show lemongrass oil activates the apoptotic process, slowing down tumor growth.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint smells amazing, and it’s also a stimulant. It’s antifungal and antimicrobial. It even helps with nausea and numbs a bug bite on the skin.
Try Natural Essential Oils
Are you new to essential oils? Get started with this list of essential oils and their uses. Essential oils smell great and, as you can see, have many beneficial properties.
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