
3 Tips for Better Pollen Protection This Year

Did you know that each year the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ranks U.S. cities based on how challenging it is to live there with seasonal allergies?

In 2022, Scranton, PA ranked most challenging and Seattle, WA ranked least challenging. However, even in areas that experience relatively less pollen spread, like Seattle, allergy protection is still important.

It’s fairly simple to safeguard your home from pollen, and there are even a few pollen protection ideas you can use to avoid allergy flare-ups when you’re outdoors. But what exactly are these mysterious combat tips for pollen allergies?

We’re here to fill you in. Keep reading below to learn three tips for protecting yourself and your home from pollen!

1. Prepare Your Medication in Advance

If you have a personally planned treatment for a pollen allergy, it’s best to prepare your medications early. It’s recommended to start taking your allergy medication 2-4 weeks before allergy season begins.

This buffer time allows your body to get used to the medication and begin to work before the season starts. By the time the worst of it rolls around, your body will be more prepared to handle the pollen allergy effects.

2. Filter Your Air

As it gets warmer outside, you’ll be tempted to turn on your home’s air conditioning unit or system. But before you crank up the cool air, arm yourself with one of the best pollen protection items available: air conditioning filters.

Your air conditioner pulls in air from outside, so a filter is necessary to keep out any pollen that’s flying around outdoors. Styles and sizes will vary depending on each system, but 20x20x1 ac filters are some of the most common types used by homeowners.

3. Keep Your Home Clean

Dust is more than just a pesky inconvenience that makes your home look old and unlived in. Dust is made up of pollen and other floating debris that can irritate your respiratory system.

Dust can pile up quickly, so it’s important to be vigilant about dusting and keeping your living quarters clean. Pollen can stick to plenty of surfaces, so you may find that you need to sweep or even wet mop some of your floors to keep them pollen-free.

Traditional dusters do little more than move the dust from the furniture onto the floor. That’s why it’s important to follow it up with thorough vacuuming. Pollen can also stick to pet fur, so brush your furry friends before you vacuum to ensure you clear out as much as possible.

Stay Healthy with Pollen Protection

It’s not impossible to find pollen allergy treatments. However, it is hard to find the perfect cocktail of allergy medications and pollen protection tips to suit your personal needs.

It may require a little bit of trial and error, but with these tips for pollen allergies and how to manage them, you’ll be able to create your own allergy-fighting regimen this year!

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