Why Your Executives & VIP Need Close Protection Services?

The increase in technology boosts threats and risks of security, especially for executives. Executives are among the key drivers of an organization, which is why reliable security needs close protection. Doing so can help protect your VIPs from dangerous situations.

Executive protection is more than hiring a security bodyguard. The services involve the protection of VIPs and offer them complete peace of mind. You can protect your executives & VIP from high-security threats and prevent criminal activities by hiring MESS.

MESS provides security professionals with extensive experience in the field to their clients. They serve corporate executives and secure them from all threats, including kidnappers and stalkers. They create plans to transfer people to a high-ranking corporation with certain dangers. Also, they analyze the critical conditions and ensure immediate protection in case of an emergency.

A professional executive protection team has advanced equipment to handle threatening engagement and close-proximity hostilities. Since they receive training to handle critical situations, they ensure to take action in real-time. For emergencies, they are trained to adopt the right protective measures and form the perfect strategies to keep executives safe.

What is Executive/Close Protection?

Executive or close protection service protects VIP individuals and high-profile business executives. Their major job is to safely move executives from one location to another. However, they also perform other tasks such as suspect identification and risk mitigation. These teams receive professional training to protect VIPs and move them to secure facilities. Furthermore, they don’t let unknown individuals reach near VIPs.

These highly trained teams also offer personal transportation to VIP individuals to:

· Important shareholder assemblies

· Business travel

· Airport transfer

· Special events

People can also hire protocol convoys for an extra mantle of security. These vehicles move along the VIPs’ vehicle for additional security and support. In addition, close protection services include a range of skills. These include:

· Crowd control

· Counter surveillance

· Motorcade escort

· Personal bodyguards

· Threat assessment.

Reasons to Hire Executive and VIP Protection Service

Here are some reasons why you need close protection services for executives and VIPs:

1. Seamless VIP Transfers

VIP executives commonly use VIP transportation for hotel and airport transfers, especially when they are on a business trip. During the transfer, teams ensure the highest confidentiality and privacy. The drivers also receive training to drive executives to secure places during emergencies. Some convoys also include medics to handle health issues during transfers.

2. Adaptive Solutions

Security agencies also offer tailored services according to clients’ requirements. They provide a comfortable ride with VIP chauffeurs and escort them to secure and safe locations when they notice a threat. Along with transportation, close protection services also include security protection to defend VIPs and eliminate criminals. They get training to identify the suspect and tackle the situation before things get worse. Close protection service is popular for immediate response and adaptive solutions.

3. Reliable Technology

Close protection services offer professionals with latest gadgets and tools such as:

· Automated fleet dispatch

· Traffic monitoring software

· Smart tracking

They know how to use these tools to enhance VIPs’ safety and reduce travel time. Furthermore, these equipment are fully automated. These tools enable professionals to tackle critical situations and take the executive to a safe location. They also use communication tools to transfer and receive information from other agents.

4. Personal Safety

A professional security company offers mental peace of mind with personal safety. They also take care of important parts of VIPs’ life such as their family and occupation. Whether your executive guest is a CFO or a politician, they will feel secure in close protection security. When executives or VIPs feel safe, they can focus their work. For different and personalized security needs, businesses, high-end clients, or community members may review when it is necessary to hire an efficient security guard

5. Protection of the Most Important Assets of Your Companies

Executives and employees who carry important and sensitive data require protection. Otherwise, your business activities will be under threat. In this situation, you can hire close protection services to safeguard the business and employees. This service includes highly trained security professionals who evaluate the risks and provide safe travel to your employees. When employees or executives are safe during their commute, you can operate your business with mental peace.

6. Reduced Anxiety about Stalkers

Individuals with high personal threats such as politicians, pharmaceuticals, and bankers have high-security risks. For instance, the CEO of a bank requires protection from kidnappers and other criminals. This doesn’t mean that only large businesses have security issues. Small businesses also encounter security challenges. During this anxiety and stress, productive business operations are not possible. Thus, you need a close protection service to guard against every possible threat.

7. Security Advisor

Professional close protection services create emergency security plans. They offer fresh and unbiased advice to handle security issues. Close protection services also create and implement security measures to protect executives and VIPs. Their in-depth analysis includes

· Security briefings

· Potential risk scenarios

· Contingency plan,

· Assessment of elevated threat situations

8. Risk Analysis

Close protection services also include security vulnerability assessment and risk analysis. They understand the situation and evaluate potential security threats. Furthermore, they create a security plan to deter crime and eliminate the danger within due time. Risk analysis helps them recognize vulnerabilities and increase the effectiveness of security controls.


Close protection services offer high-level security to VIPs and executives. They make sure that executives are safe during an event or transportation. Executive protection physically secures high-profile personnel through operational intelligence, advanced planning tactics, and in-depth communication.

When they notice a threat, they diffuse and avoid the situation and escort their clients to a safe and secure setting. Close protection services bring great benefits for people in powerful positions.

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