
The magic of collagen intake along with probiotics

Your gut is what sustains you. It is entirely made up of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. and each of them has a role to play. These components together make up the microbiomes in your gut. The diversity of the microbiomes also has an important role to play in terms of how healthy your gut is. The higher the microbiome diversity, the better your health! What fuels these microbiomes to carry out their specific functions is the quality of your diet, exercise, sleep, and not to forget the intake of probiotics.   

Why are probiotics important for the gut?

Probiotics contain a variety of healthy bacteria that are needed to keep your gut performing at its optimal level. Apart from imparting certain benefits, they also help maintain the level of good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics can help the body in a number of ways when the intake is regular. Studies have shown that prebiotics and probiotics are great at fighting off infection, preventing UTIs, increasing immunity, and balancing gut bacteria like a pro (no pun intended). 

Now, the main and common sources of probiotics are yogurt, buttermilk, sourdough bread, cottage cheese, etc. But considering the fact that about 68% of the world’s population is intolerant to lactose, and about 1.4% of the world’s population has a gluten allergy, the intake of probiotic supplements becomes crucial for most people. If you fall under any of those categories or are vegan, consider adding prebiotics and probiotics supplements that contain at least 12 billion CFUs per serving. 

Looking for a probiotic supplement fortified with prebiotics can help healthy bacteria thrive and multiply in the gut. Prebiotics are nothing but plant fibers that help the growth of good bacteria and the elimination of bad ones. In addition to this, prebiotics also help the gut absorb calcium better, balance high GI levels caused by certain foods, and also process food faster so you don’t feel constipated. 

How does collagen affect your body?

The most abundant form of protein in the body, collagen is what provides structure to your cells and tissues. It is also the component that gives elasticity to your skin, maintains joint health and a healthy cardiovascular system. Healthy levels of skin collagen in your body help the skin with firmness, hydration, and elasticity & collagen is also considered an anti-aging supplement. It also helps the body recover faster from wounds & injuries after a workout and can help mitigate the risk of joint deterioration. Collagen also mainly supports bone health. As we age, our body starts producing less collagen resulting in less lubrication of joints and reduction of bone density over time. As a result, a lack of collagen in your diet can make you more susceptible to bone fractures and/or joint pain. 

The limitations of dietary sources of collagen 

While considering the dietary sources of collagen, it is also important to consider the bioavailability of collagen in those foods. Eating collagen-rich foods should be the primary choice for getting enough collagen in your body, but more often than not, they may not be enough. Especially for people who don’t prefer consuming meat directly, getting collagen from their diet can prove to be tough. The main dietary sources of collagen include chicken, bone broth, egg whites, fish, and shellfish. Hence, trying collagen peptides in the form of supplements could be useful as you age. 

How probiotics and collagen work together to create magic

The benefits of taking collagen supplements along with prebiotics and probiotics supplementation are supercharged when the two come together. Collagen can help prevent gut inflammation and probiotics improve the symptoms of a bad gut. When combined, these two could make your gut bounce back to health. Collagen peptides also help prevent the breakdown of intestinal lining and probiotics improve the balance of gut microbiomes as we talked about earlier. The amino acids in collagen can help strengthen your digestive tract lining and as a result, the gut starts maintaining its level of healthy bacteria. The intake of prebiotics also helps healthy bacteria flourish in the gut. 

All in all, the positive effects of both supplements increase the ability of your gut to absorb macro and micronutrients better to help the body reap all the benefits of the food you eat. Eventually, your skin becomes plump and hydrated, your joints are lubricated, your gut is healthier, your mood is improved, and you’re radiating from within. 

Wrapping up

Prebiotics and probiotics along with collagen naturally get along together. Inevitably, they help the gut balance levels of healthy bacteria and also help the body’s bioabsorption function, helping it reap maximum benefits from all the food and supplements you consume. However, it is important to consult a doctor before taking both supplements together if you have any underlying issues with your gut. 

Adrianna Tori

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