
All You Should Know About Morton’s Neuroma

The foot is prone to various problems including Morton’s Neuroma. This is a swelling in the foot usually between the third and fourth toes. However, it can occur in other areas of the foot or other parts of the body. This condition comes with discomfort and immense pain in the ball of the foot. It is very important to seek professional assistance to determine the cause of the condition since it might result from other foot conditions.

Morton’s Neuroma

How to tell you have Morton’s Neuroma

The condition occurs after a nerve becomes trapped between the metatarsals and two bones. It irritates the nerve making it become thick leading to swelling hence the neuroma. Ignoring professional assistance escalates the swelling and becomes permanent nerve damage down the road. The symptoms of neuroma vary according to an individual with the most common being:

  • Pain
  • Irritation in the ball of the foot
  • Burning sensation
  • Tingling
  • Numbness

The symptoms of this condition appear gradually with a likelihood of lasting just a few minutes. These might happen when you put on a particular pair of shoes or participating in a particular activity such as playing tennis or running. It is very important not to ignore visiting the leading podiatrists in Houston for intermittent foot problems. If the problem is not addressed quickly, you’re likely to end up with severe pain for days or weeks. Professional assistance will save you from the embarrassment of living with this condition permanently.

Causes of Morton’s Neuroma

The most common cause of neuroma is exposing the foot to additional pressure and stress. It is no wonder that ladies who regularly wear high-heeled and narrow shoes are more likely to have the condition. Apart from heels, subjecting your feet to activity without appropriate support also creates problems. Wearing poorly fitting shoes or regular footwear and being overweight have a similar effect

Another condition that might cause a neuroma is the prevailing foot conditions. Hammertoes, flat feet, and bunions exert pressure that encourages discomfort and pain. Additionally, foot issues that have the potential to distort gait and posture affect how you walk and stand as a way to lessen the pain. All the issues above cause extra weight and pressure that bears down on the feet leading to a neuroma.

Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma

A good start on the fight to beat a neuroma is to always put on shoes that fit nicely. The ideal shoes are flat or with strap fasteners to ensure your feet don’t slip. The shoes should be with enough width to comfortably fit your big toe joint. A tight fit around the widest part of the foot causes extra pressure, which can worsen the neuroma.

Alternatively, you should consider the use of cushioned soles to relax compression around the condition. Other ways to alleviate this condition include the use of metatarsal gel pads or orthotics. You can also ice the affected area to alleviate the swelling or use cortisone injections or anti-inflammatory medicine. If these solutions are not enough, then you will have to have surgery.

Neuroma surgery

Surgery for a neuroma requires removing the nerve causing the trouble. An interdigital nerve serves as a sensory function to limit impact on toe movement. Alternatively, the procedure might involve cutting nearby structures but not removing the nerve to lessen pressure on the nerve. Regardless of the option, surgery for a neuroma takes about 30 minutes.

Why have Neuroma surgery

One of the most significant reasons for neuromasurgery is to get rid of the problem for good. When having a severe case of a neuroma, surgery is the best option to regain your active lifestyle without pain. After the formation of a neuroma, there’s no chance of shrinking on its own. An enlarged nerve tissue can’t regain its normal size. Therefore, non-invasive treatment options such as orthotics and padding might not be able to give satisfactory results. So, surgery is the best choice in such a scenario.

Fortunately, the procedure takes just a few minutes and professional podiatrists have experience handling such cases.   So, you can rule out the chances of failure. Additionally, the surgery for a neuroma is completely risk-free. Therefore, you don’t have to live with a painful foot when you can visit a Houston podiatrist to get the condition solved. And, you will live with happy feet ever after.

Bottom line

When having problems with your foot, seeking immediate assistance from a professional is the most important thing to do. This is very important since foot problems affect mobility and overall quality of life. When dealing with a neuroma, a simple surgery will alleviate the problem and you will get back on your feet in no time.

Adrianna Tori

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