
How much does Langtang Trek Costs?

The price of the Langtang trek is the total of your package and personal expenses. Your budget for the Langtang Trek should be between $700 and $900. The services you use usually determine how much the package will cost. Your personal expenses are based on your decisions and are therefore arbitrary.

The following variables affect the overall cost of the Langtang trek: 

What is the length of your itinerary—five, seven, or eleven days? 
The time of year you intend to go trekking 
The kind of lodging that you desire 
Your selection of cuisine and beverages 
The amenities you wish to use while hiking, including charging stations and wifi. 
The necessary permits 
The mode of transportation selected to reach the beginning 
Porters and guides 
An essential component of your trekking strategy is understanding the expense of the Langtang trip. Aside from that, you’ll need to know when is the best time to go on a Langtang trip, what kind of weather to expect, and what permissions are needed.

Langtang Trek Costs

Here is a detailed explanation of the factors that make up the total Langtang trek costs.


You require two permits for the Langtang hike. The permits are required; if you, as a hiker, choose to proceed without one, you will be required to purchase them immediately and face penalty. If you don’t have the required permits, you may also be punished by law. 

For your Langtang trekking, you require two permits, i.e.

TIMS (Trekker’s Information Management System)

A paper card known as TIMS contains details about the hikers and their destination. You must pay $20 for the card if you are an individual international trekker. On the other hand, group travelers only have to pay $10. The cost of the TIMS card is only $6 if you are a citizen of SAARC.

Langtang National Park Entry Permit

You must have this permit in order to access Langtang National Park. You will pay $30 per person, excluding 13% VAT, for this permission. The only amount you will need to pay, if you are a SAARC national, is $15 + 13% VAT. Both of these permissions are available from the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu. 

In the event that you are unable to obtain it in Kathmandu, it is available at the trailhead. If you obtain the permits while trekking, the cost will increase. 

Should you choose to travel with us, we will handle obtaining all required permits and paperwork. Give us a copy of your current passport together with the passport-sized picture.


Your tour begins in Kathmandu, where a variety of lodging options are available at varying pricing points. A hostel costs $5, but if you want to stay in an opulent hotel, the cost starts at $150. A respectable place to stay in Kathmandu can be found for between $40 and $60 per night. 

Lower in your walk, you might come across many kinds of lodging. Higher altitudes, however, have simpler but nonetheless warm and inviting accommodations. 

If you travel during the busiest season, the cost of lodging ranges from $12 to $15. If you eat at the same location as you stay, you can obtain it for less money.

In off-peak times such as the winter and monsoon, lodging costs between $3 and $5. The teahouses will be less full because not many hikers dare to walk on the slick, freezing trail. 

Nevertheless, during the busiest time of year, you might not even be able to secure a hotel and may even have to share one with other hikers. Make reservations for a room in advance if you don’t feel comfortable sharing or if you want to be sure of your accommodations.

Meals and Drinks

On your Langtang walk, you will come across a lot of tea shops and hotels. Rice, lentils, vegetable curry, pickles, noodles, pasta, macaroni, and many other foods are available for you to select from. 

You will spend more for the same food at higher elevations than at lower ones. This is because there aren’t any roads or transportation options leading up to the mountains. For instance, a breakfast meal may cost you $2–$3 in poorer regions, but $5–$6 in upper regions. To save money overall, you can include light foods like chocolates and granola bars.

Once more, a variety of drink alternatives are available, such as milk tea, black tea, ginger tea, coffee, and bottled water. However, as altitude climbs, so does the price. For instance, bottled water costs between $0.25 and $2 in lower-lying areas and $3–$5 in higher-lying areas. 

To avoid having to pay for water, you can bring pills that filter water with you. To make water drinkable, you can add purification pills after filling it with natural resources.


The length of the Langtang trip ranges from 8 to 11 days. The cost of meals, lodging, guides, and porters will increase with the length of your expedition. This will raise the price of your Langtang Trek.


Typically, your Langtang hike begins in Syabrubesi. Thus, you will need to travel to Syabrubesi from Kathmandu. You can use private jeeps, tour buses, or local buses to get to your trailhead. 

Private jeeps will set you back about $150, while local buses will run you about $10. If you choose to ride a tourist bus, it will cost you around $10 and bring you to the Machha Pokhari Bus Station.

Cost of Guide and Porter for Langtang Valley Trek

We advise hiring a porter and a guide if this is your first trek. On your alone, navigating the mountains could be difficult. A guide will assist you in navigating the mountains if you hike with one. They facilitate communication so you may discover the customs and cultures of the locals. 

Additionally, a guide can assist you with booking your lodging and food plans if you go with one. On your trek, a porter will handle your stuff. 

You’ll pay $25 per day for a porter and $30 per day for a skilled guide. For your journey, if you would like, we can set you up with a certified guide and porter.

Insurance Costs

Nepal has an isolated mountain range called Langtang Valley. It is recommended that you obtain insurance when visiting these locations. There’s always a chance of mishaps, misplaced luggage, delayed or canceled flights. You might also require a helicopter evacuation in an emergency. 

Obtaining insurance will assist you in meeting all the requirements. There are situations where you can become really sick and require an emergency helicopter rescue. Under these circumstances, your insurance coverage comes in handy. Insurances can cost up to $150 and are typically valid for 30 days. However, the costs differ according on the businesses.

Miscellaneous Costs

On your trek, you could additionally need to pay for the following expenses in addition to the above principal costs: 

Consider purchasing mementos from the mountains for your loved ones. 
You will have to pay to charge your phone and battery at greater elevations. It may run you between $2 and $5. 
Your porters and guides have predetermined prices, but if they go above and above for you, you may choose to tip them. Tipping is not required, but guides and porters do appreciate it. 
Other than that, you might want to consider giving money to the trail’s monasteries and schools. 
These expenses are not covered by the hiking package you choose. This may raise the overall cost of your trip.

Tips To Minimize Your Langtang Trek Costs

You should save your money for the destinations you really want to see if you’re on a tight budget. The following advice can assist you in reducing the expense of your Langtang trek

You can bring a solar power charger or a power bank with you to avoid paying to charge your phone and batteries at higher elevations. 
It is best to simply bring essential items with you. Arrange your travel and pack only necessities for your journey. Verify if carrying the bag is easy for you. In this manner, hiring a porter won’t cost you money. 
Higher elevations mean more expensive chocolates and snacks. Thus, to save money, bring your own candy, cookies, granola bars, etc. 

Bring your own tea bags, and you simply need to pay for hot water. In the long run, this can also save you money. 
Hiking gear, including shoes and clothing, can be highly costly. These things don’t need to cost a lot of money. In Thamel, there are affordable shops where you can get the products at a competitive cost. 
Additionally, you can hire various trekking equipment for between $1 and $10 per day.

Adrianna Tori

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