Does Your Childcare Facility Follow These Guidelines?
When a parent is looking for a childcare facility, they look for certain factors – whether they have proper hygiene maintenance, whether they have certified caretakers, and more. Thus, childcare Adelaide facilities have to follow specific guidelines to ensure every parent can rely on their facility. While these guidelines vary in different countries, the basis remains the same – ultimate safety and hygiene maintenance.
In this article, we will demonstrate some of the general guidelines that every childcare facility should follow. You can check if your childcare follows these rules, and if they do, you will be assured that your child is in good hands.
Table of Contents
Guidelines To Be Followed By Your Childcare Facility
For promoting Hygiene and Health Practices
Every childcare Adelaide facility should promote hygiene and health practices in the following way –
- Covering of mouth with hands while coughing or sneezing.
- Washing hands upon arrival and before and after meals.
- Keep enough supplies for supporting hygiene behaviour. There should be enough tissues, paper towels, hand sanitisers, and soaps at the facility.
- Faces should be covered if social distancing is not possible.
- Staff members have to keep washing their hands now and then by touching their face masks. They should also be trained on washing, removing, and using their cloth face coverings.
Safety and Health Actions
Here are some additional safety and health actions a childcare facility should follow –
- Maintain social distancing as much as possible.
- Intensify ventilation, disinfection, sanitation, and cleaning every day.
- Restrict any volunteers, nonessential visitors, or any groups with too many people.
- Do not take children of more than one class on inter-group or extra-curricular events or field trips.
- There should be a designated table and seating space for every child.
Ongoing Monitoring
Every childcare facility should have enough guidelines about monitoring children.
- Anyone who is sick should stay at home.
- If any child or employee is absent, ensure to monitor them upon arrival. Ask for medical certificates or prescriptions too.
- Have flexible leave practices and policies for ill employees. There should also be enough trained substitutes for them.
- If a child falls sick, they need to be separated immediately. A staff member has to look after them till their parents arrive.
4. Protection of Children and Employees
For the protection of children and employees, here are some of the guidelines to be followed –
- Train all employees on safety and health guidelines.
- Screen children and employees every day upon arrival. It will expose any viruses or symptoms.
- Children of employees with 100.4 degrees C temperature should be sent home immediately. They will also require medical clearance by a physician before they return.
The guidelines mentioned above are all basic rules that every childcare facility should follow. It will ensure that every child gets equal attention, is safe, and does not get any diseases. If you are looking for reliable childcare that follows all the above guidelines, check out Precious Cargo Education. They have proper certification, experienced caretakers, and are reliable. Check out their website today! Develop communication systems between your child care program and parents, guardians, and caregivers. This could be through a combination of phone, email or texting protocols, and/or periodic virtual meetings with parents, guardians, caregivers, and child care providers. Use these systems to help track absenteeism in children or staff or to respond to an outbreak at the facility.