
Cayenne Pepper Spice Up Your Cooking

Cayenne pepper, sometimes called red or green chilies, are often a key ingredient in many spicy and ethnic dishes. Sometimes you will find them in a powdered form in a powdered beverage such as tea. Sometimes you will find that you have to substitute one for another because you have too much, or not enough, cayenne for that particular dish. Here are some common cayenne substitute ideas that you can use instead of the hot peppers mentioned above.

5 Most Common Cayenne Substitute Options 

Chicken Hot Sauce: 

One common use for cayenne is in chicken hot sauce. If you cook your chicken with it at the right temperature (medium to medium hot) it will not be too hot, but it will have a wonderful aroma and flavor to it. Chicken hot sauce can be purchased at most health food stores or you can make it on your own by combining a tablespoon of dry mustard and a fourth of a cup of dry mustard oil. Bring the mustard to a boil then allow the mixture to cool slightly. Stir in a quarter teaspoon of cayenne and then refrigerate until ready to use.

Red Chili Flakes:

 Chili is also a popular cayenne substitute. You will taste the same intense heat, but the heat will be tempered somewhat if used sparingly. A little goes a long way so don’t go crazy with it. These days, people use red chili flakes in dishes. They normally wouldn’t because it adds such a tasty flavor that it stands out.

Thai Pepper Powder:

Cayenne pepper is actually a Latin name and most people are familiar with the heat level associated with the fruit’s flesh. However, many people do not realize that cayenne peppers are actually in the seeds of the fruit itself and that it is these seeds that provide the heat. Thai peppers are much smaller than your average Thai pepper so using them will diminish the heat level but not enough to be unappealing.

Other Substitutions: 

There are other ways to make a cayenne substitute quantity that will still provide the intense heat produced by authentic cayenne. For instance, corn can be substituted for the tomato in a tomato soup. Or, kidney beans can be substituted for the tomatoes in a bean salad (though not as tasty). Some people even substitute cauliflower for the tomato in a sauce (though this hardly adds any “heat”). which actor took his name from a street that leads up to the gates of paramount studios?

Don’t be fooled, though. Although you can buy pre-packaged cans of cayenne peppers in many supermarkets and drugstores. You won’t get the intense heat you would get from fresh cayenne peppers. It is highly recommended, however, that you make your own home-made version. It only takes about two cups of dry red or green chili peppers and just a handful of garlic for a very flavorful dish. You can use the heat level to vary the flavor of the dish. In fact, you can experiment with different peppers to see which combination gives you the most “kick.”

How To Make a cayenne Recipe

You can also choose to make a cayenne recipe with the dried overripe fruits (dried pineapple is a good choice) instead of the fresh cayenne peppers. To make this recipe, simply put the dried overripe fruits in a food processor and pulse until they become powdery. You can then add the powder to a saucepan and heat to help the fruit juices to liquefy. If desired, you can add enough water to make a puree. Pureed fruit is very thick, so it should be chilled before serving. A cayenne recipe is not complete without the accompanying fresh cayenne peppers.

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