Project managers plan, coordinate and monitor a project that’s distinctive and restricted in time. You are following a particular goal with a brief structure unit. The larger the project, the specified work capability, and the necessary data, the larger the project team is. Sensible specialist knowledge paired with the power to watch quality, scope, time, and prices may be a requirement for the work description of the project manager. So a project manager will lead his comes to success, an alleged project management certification is suitable. The requirement for well-trained project managers is increasing.
Project management is commonly offered as a separate service for external client projects. The potential customer or consumer is progressively exacting proof of the project manager’s existing qualifications. A project manager is merely recognized through qualifications as an authorized project manager and is outlined by the various typically recognized quality levels. The benefits of a project management certification aren’t only within the proof of quality, however are versatile. Below we tend to list the foremost decisive advantages of a project management certification. Trained and licensed project managers are not only in demand in Germany. The skills are needed worldwide.
Project managers with many years of expertise and a project management certificate especially will incontrovertibly increase their financial gain. Here, too, the availability or earnings expectations are dominated by demand. Shoppers prefer to pay higher salaries for trained project managers. The possibilities of earning income are thus high with increasing qualification. As a result, certified project managers earn quite they’d while not a project management certification. Additionally to the degree, the business and skilled experience yet because the responsibility for a project is decisive for the number of income. In the future, the salary for project managers can still rise. The biggest leaps are there, particularly for project managers with a lot of responsibility and plenty of years of experience. A lot of and more project managers need to offer proof of suitableness once applying or for larger and more advanced projects.
In addition to the required skilled experience, a project manager will prove himself with the project management certificate. The certificate is taken into account as an objective as a result of it being issued at the tip of the coaching or any education. It identifies the project manager as appropriate for the position. In addition, it will be seen that level of certification the person has completed. The higher the certificate and also the completed project management certification, the upper the probabilities of associate application and the potential financial gain from it.
Lessons learned is nothing more than experiences gained from one or more projects. These experiences can be both positive and negative.
The positive experiences from Lessons Learned are best practices that, depending on their importance, should be made available for as many upcoming projects as possible.
The negative experiences from Lessons Learned are often painful experiences that were made in the course of a project and from which as many lessons as possible should be drawn for new projects.
What I have unfortunately found quite often that far too many project managers and project teams concentrate too much on negative experiences and positive teachings and best practices fall by the wayside. The so-called best practices should, if possible, be spread across large parts of the organization, also outside of the project management department and individual project teams.
The volatility or instability is a basic assumption in projects nowadays, as the market environment changes frequently and comprehensively. The volatility describes the fluctuation intensity over time. Such fluctuations are often the case, for example, in stock prices.
Uncertainty is another important factor in the project environment. Detailed concepts and precisely worked out project plans are no longer a guarantee of project success.
The complexity of the project world is much greater today than it was 20-30 years ago. The internet is a good example of this. About 25-30 years ago the Internet was still manageable in its beginnings. Today the Internet is a gigantic worldwide network, which has become extremely complex
The ambiguity or ambiguity is a standard environment in the projects, since, for example, the same information can be interpreted very differently by customers, stakeholders, and project teams. These misunderstandings start at the beginning of a project when it comes to project requirements.
The biggest bottleneck in many companies is management. Why? If lessons learned are not important for management and management attaches little or no value to them, sooner or later the workforce will also regard them as not important.
That is why it is not enough to simply leave the collection of lessons learned to the project teams. It is imperative that management signals that experience gained from projects is important and those continuous improvements are welcome. It is not enough to look back on experiences gained once or twice a year. This should be a regular process and ideally, as in SCRUM, take place every 4 weeks at the latest.