3 Tips for Keeping Your Business Data Safe

Did you know that the average business manages almost 163 terabytes of data? This high number doesn’t just show how critical sensitive business data is when conducting business. It also illustrates the importance of keeping that information safe.

But how can you protect data in the best and most effective way possible? Read on to answer this question and get the top cybersecurity tips for 2022.

1. Pre-emptively Combat Malware

The first way that you can keep your business data safe is to protect all your devices against malware. When a device is breached, the malware can make its way through every other computer, Smartphone, and tablet that is connected to your network. The end result will likely be around $4.24 million.

Luckily, you can prevent malware from becoming an issue by installing firewalls. The onboard firewall of your router doesn’t work alone, but it’s your first line of defense. You also will need PC protection with sophisticated, professional security software.

You also will want to apply anti-spam tech to your email accounts. This will prevent unsavory emails from appearing in employee inboxes and being met with clicks.

There are tons of options, which is why cybersecurity investing is so big a deal in 2022. Check out Option3 if you’re looking to make some additional growth!

2. Train Your Employees

Another way to prevent employees from opening spam emails that contain malware is by investing in better training. About 40% of all breaches are caused by employee error. These breaches are usually 100% accidental.

The employee doesn’t generally attempt to cause a breach. The issue is that they were not trained in how to root out extremely convincing spam messages that look legitimate. Let your workers know the signs of spam emails so that they don’t click on anything bad.

Also, discuss who is going to email them from your company and when- many spam messages look like emails from upper-level management. Stress that they should ask about whether or not emails or pop-ups are legitimate if they are unsure.

3. Run Ethical Hacking Tests

“Ethical hacking” may sound like an oxymoron, but it’s a legitimate way to test your business security. These simulated hacking scenarios take place when an IT expert that works for your business attempts to penetrate your system. They run harmless fake malware and try to get it onto your devices and networks.

The point of this activity is to detect vulnerabilities within your system. The ethical hacker can see where the malware was able to enter your network and find holes that need to be patched up. You can then alter your security system to eliminate these vulnerabilities.

Make sure to run a test like this about once every 6 months. You can also have your team practice disaster recovery strategies during the simulation so that they’re better trained in the event of a real breach.

Protect Your Business Data Today

Now that you know how to keep your business data safe in 2022, it’s time to learn more cybersecurity tips. Check out the “tech” tab on our home page for more information on the software you can use to protect company data. You also can use our search function to learn more about specific topics regarding cybersecurity and business safety.

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