Studio De La Rose are high-end roses that, with proper care, can survive for over a year. Our professionally created arrangements include our hallmark luxury roses encased in your choice of configurations to show off their magnificence. They are considered the best eternity roses.
Eternity roses from Studio De La Rose are ideal for various occasions, including marriage proposals, weddings, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and any other event that requires a touch of elegance. Each Eternity Rose is meticulously nurtured in Studio De La Rose to ensure a complete, extravagant bloom. When properly managed, their unique preservation mechanism converts the blossoms into long-lasting roses that can keep their freshness and biological structure for more than a year.
These long-lasting roses can survive up to a year or more with proper care and upkeep. Fresh-cut roses also last far longer than a standard rose arrangement so that you may enjoy their aroma for much longer.
Studio De La Rose’s Eternity roses remain as long as possible with very little maintenance. Remember that your boxed rose arrangement is quite delicate, so handle it carefully.
Six Easy care tips for eternity roses
It is advised not to remove eternal roses from custom rose boxes, harming the roses. These six tips can make eternity roses last longer.
- Water the roses sparingly.
- Keep the roses out of direct sunlight.
- Display in a temperature-controlled environment.
- As needed, use a duster to remove dust gently.
- Nothing should be placed on top of the flowers.
- Remove the roses from the box but do not take them out.
It’s that simple to enjoy your Eternity Roses. After only a week, the days of cutting off wilted flowers and discarding bouquets are over. Your luxury rose arrangement can last up to a year with minimal work, no watering, and no upkeep if looked adequately for.
When designing your Eternity Rose arrangement, your imagination is the only limit. Each of our opulent arrangements is customizable, and our floral design experts would be delighted to collaborate with you to create a stunning, one-of-a-kind custom rose box.
With over 24 different rose hues to pick from, you’re sure to discover one that will liven up your perfect arrangement. We have a large selection of Parisian-style boxes to choose from, and whether you want a classic round box or a modern, transparent acrylic case, we are pleased to go over the options with you.
Look no further if you’re looking for a classic, single-color box of long-lasting roses.
Studio De La Rose is capable of meeting your requirements. Do you want something a little more unique? Almost any pattern, letter, or symbol can be incorporated into an Eternity Rose arrangement by our talented designers.
Are you prepared to give your friends and family the gift of genuine luxury? It’s simple to order an Eternity Rose Arrangement. View examples of design choices by looking through our arrangements, unique collections, and custom creations. Don’t hesitate to contact us to talk with a friendly member of our staff or make a showroom visit.
Our online store is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for your convenience.
Studio De La Rose produces the best eternity roses. We’re a small business based in Anaheim, California, and we’re proud of our history, which spans 15 years and counting, during which we’ve had the pleasure of serving thousands of satisfied clients like you.
We believe in creating carefully selected experiences that will elicit emotions and melt hearts. With our variety of cuddly soft toys that embody all that is beloved, huggable, warm, and fuzzily lovely, we like to think of ourselves as ambassadors of love and hugs.
These aren’t your typical roses. They’re honest, of course, but they’ve been meticulously groomed to be not just endearing but also long-lasting. As if it were love as if it were forever! Yes, you read that correctly.
Studio De La Rose’s elegantly wrapped roses come in various hues and will help you say it best throughout life’s key events. Studio De La Rose is another part of the four tales, intending to bring color into your life with our incredibly bright blooms. You can order these eternity roses online.