Did you know that depending on the size of your home, it could take up to 10 hours or more to get everything taken care of on moving day?
Decluttering before a move is crucial if you want things to move along. Do you find yourself holding on to a lot of things?
It can be tricky to pick and choose what things to keep and what things to get rid of. Thankfully, we can help! Continue reading to see a breakdown of what you should throw away to make moving day more simple.
Table of Contents
The Kitchen
The kitchen seems to be one place in the home where things get lost in cupboards and forgotten about until it’s time to pack.
Instead of packing everything up, assuming you might use these things one day, you should use this as an opportunity to get rid of things.
Small Appliances
If you have small appliances you haven’t touched in years, it’s safe to say you won’t miss them. Try donating them or offering them to friends who might have more use for them than you.
Mismatched Items
Things get lost over time, and holding onto items that can’t function properly isn’t worth it. So if you have Tupperware or pans with no lid, consider letting them go.
Old Cookbooks
Old, unused cookbooks are one easy thing to throw out when moving. They’re a pain to lug from house to house because they weigh so much. So throwing them away before the move will make things easier.
Extra Cups
If you find yourself holding onto extra cups, water bottles, or mugs, now is the time to get rid of them. You can only use so many, and items like this take up valuable cupboard space.
Pantry Items
Don’t pack up your entire pantry, assuming everything needs to come. This is the best time to go through it and toss any expired items or foods you bought that no one ended up liking.
The Bathroom
The bathroom is full of things you should throw out when moving. Chances are there are some things you’re considering holding on to that you shouldn’t, though.
Expired Items
Things like makeup, soap, and lotion have expiration dates. Over time they become less effective and might look or smell off.
Be sure to put these items in the garbage instead of lugging them to your new home.
Dirty Items
Shower curtain liners, plungers, toilet bowl brushes, etc., are dirty and often don’t make sense to move with you.
These items are also inexpensive, so purchasing new ones when you move should be your goal.
It doesn’t take long for towels to look raggedy and faded. If yours look worse for wear, it’s best to toss them and purchase new ones when you arrive.
Unused Things
If you have beauty tools like hair straighteners or curling irons you haven’t used in ages, it’s best to throw them out. Likewise, unused makeup, beauty samples, and products you don’t like could be shared with friends or thrown away.
The Bedrooms
Bedrooms are another common area where things can build up, especially if you have children.
Before you know it, this room can end up filled with unwanted or unused items. It’s extra important to go through these rooms before packing everything away.
If your children have toys they don’t like, have outgrown, or are broken, toss them before they end up in the new home with you.
Toys in good condition can always be donated or sold.
Extra Clothes and Accessories
Most people hold onto clothes they no longer wear. Whether it’s because they don’t fit, you don’t like them, or they’re stained or damaged, you should get rid of them now.
Old Shoes
If you’ve been known to hang onto shoes until they fall apart, this might be the one time to make an exception. Lugging bins of shoes is a waste of time if they aren’t in good condition.
Sort through your shoes and throw away any that aren’t going to last much longer.
Excess Hangers
Hangers are one of the trickiest things to move because they take up so much space. You should throw them away if you have a ton you don’t use. If you need more in the future, they’re inexpensive to purchase.
Knick Knacks
These items build up everywhere in the home, but if you have some in your bedroom, consider leaving them behind.
If you don’t actively use something or pay attention to it, it’s just going to be taking up space in the moving truck for no reason.
The Living Room/Family Room
If you’ve lived in the same home for a while, this room could be packed full of old media and books you haven’t seen in years.
Take your time going through this space.
Old Movies/Music
If you have VHS tapes or old cassette tapes or CDs, you probably won’t be using them anytime soon.
It’s worth having a garage sale to sell these items because some people collect them or still use them as their preferred media.
Old Games/Consoles
If you’ve purchased every gaming console and games to go with it over the years, there’s undoubtedly some your family no longer cares about.
These old games and consoles might be worth money, so consider selling them online instead of bringing them with you to collect dust.
Old Books
Have you ever bought books to read but never got around to it? If it’s been years and you still haven’t, chances are you probably won’t.
Donating books you no longer want to read or have already read to a local library will surely make someone’s day!
Pillows and Blankets
Holding on to pillows and blankets that are damaged or don’t get used can be a big waste of space in the moving truck.
Toss these items ahead of time instead. If you’re worried about space in the truck, hiring local movers from this moving company in Holland, Michigan, is a good idea too.
The Garage or Basement
These areas of the home are typically visited less often. Because of this, when you go to move, you might be surprised how many things you actually have in these spaces.
Old Tools
Old tools should be thrown out when moving because you won’t end up using them again.
They’re also a pain to move and will only clutter your new space as soon as you arrive.
Old Appliances
Do you hold onto appliances when you buy new ones just in case one breaks? Many people do, but moving these is a huge hassle.
Instead of taking them with you, have the garbage company come pick them up or try selling them before moving.
Construction Materials
Hald empty paint cans, wood, extra flooring, etc., can add up quickly.
Consider getting rid of these items unless there’s a high probability you will end up using them again.
Extra Supplies
Extra camping gear, hoses, lawn decorations, bins, etc., don’t need to move with you.
These items are great things to add to a garage sale.
Miscellaneous Items
Other items that would be good to get rid of can end up in random rooms or outside your home. Here’s what you should consider tossing.
Unneeded Furniture
If you’re downsizing or have furniture you don’t use often, consider getting rid of it.
Cramming everything into the new home will be stressful otherwise.
Sentimental Items
Sentimental items like your children’s artwork or report cards can probably be left behind. Try taking pictures of them with your phone to have on hand as something to look back on without storing the physical items.
Outdated Art
As time goes on, your tastes in art change. So if you have old art stored somewhere or art currently on your wall you don’t like, you should get rid of it.
Old Rugs
If you have rugs rolled up and stored somewhere out of sight, you might not even remember what they look like. If that’s the case, it’s a good sign you won’t miss them if you get rid of them.
Patio Furniture
If you plan on purchasing new patio furniture when you arrive, there’s no need to hold onto your old stuff. Instead, selling this in a garage sale if it’s in good condition can leave you with some extra money.
AC Units
If you’re moving to a place with central air, you won’t need extra AC units. Selling, donating, or throwing them away is better than bringing them with you.
Throw Away These Items Now—Thank Yourself Later
When it comes time to move, it becomes clear how many extra items you have hanging around you might not need or want.
Taking them to sort through and throw away your items before a big move can save you time, money, and stress as you move to your new home. If you use this article as a checklist, you should have a successful move and transition to your new home without extra clutter!
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