What Is the Cost of Staging a Home? An Overview

Staged homes spend between 33 and 50% less time on the market.

If your home is a little outdated or has a unique layout, the right staging can help you to make it more desirable to prospective buyers. Staging a house will help you make the most of the space and use the right colors so others will be able to visualize themselves living comfortably in your home.

Yet what is the cost of staging a home, and is the investment worth it?

Let’s take a look.

What is the Cost of Staging a Home?

The typical cost of staging a home is between $631 and $2,312. However, sellers can spend as little as $150 or as much as over $4,000 on a home staging. The actual cost to you will depend upon a number of factors.

Of course, the state of your home will have an impact on the final price of staging it. Your home stager will likely evaluate the property and make suggestions for repairs, furniture upgrades, and paint colors.

It will obviously cost you more if you will be renting furniture from your stager, and if they plan on painting the interior themselves. In some cases, you may be able to save money by using your existing furniture.

If your home has a lot of clutter and requires a great deal of organization, you can expect to end up paying more. Decluttering yourself could mean that you don’t need to pay your stager for this.

Your home stager could also charge you more depending upon other work they do. Are they changing light fixtures or repairing leaky faucets? Are they photographing the home themselves?

If you’re looking to save money, you could ask the home stager only to provide you with ideas and decor. You could also be able to benefit from hiring other professionals to do the cleaning and photographing. However, it’s important to weigh the costs and make sure your stager is okay with the arrangement before looking into other contractors.

Is the Home Staging Cost Worth It?

You’ll need to ask yourself some questions before deciding whether or not to stage your home. For example, do you have time to clean and make repairs yourself? What changes could a stager make for you, and would that change your home’s overall impact?

Of course, a qualified realtor, such as those at thebrasilgroup.com, can also offer you some insight. Ask them how much homes are going for in your area, and whether or not they think staging will be a good investment.

The right stager can make your home appear spacious, clean and comfortable. It’s important to carefully think about staging before you put your house on the market.

Moving On

The cost of staging a home will vary greatly depending upon your neighborhood and the condition of your house. However, with the right stager and the right realtor, you could be selling your home for a wonderful profit in no time.

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