No matter which policy you choose, it’s likely that your auto insurance will cost a little more if you’re under 25. How much more depends on many things, including your choice of insurer. There are a number of car insurance companies in the United States, and it can be hard to know which one will best meet your needs as a young driver. That’s why it’s important to do your research before you make a decision about which insurance company to purchase your auto policy from. If you need help, keep reading to learn more about which car insurance company is best for drivers under 25 years old.
Which car insurance should drivers under 25 purchase?
Young drivers need to be proactive about comparing rates for car insurance, as they’re often more expensive to insure than older adults. There are several factors that you should consider when trying to find the best car insurance for drivers under 25. Due to the fact that younger people have less experience, insurance companies perceive them as riskier to insure. It can be frustrating for teen and young adult drivers, especially those who are hoping to find an affordable insurance policy.
USAA is widely considered to have the cheapest rates for people under 25, but their policies are only available to active or retired military personnel and their families. If you are eligible to be insured through USAA, make sure you take advantage of the opportunity to obtain more cost-effective insurance. Young drivers without a connection to the military often find that GEICO offers the best rates.
Don’t forget that you can also use discounts to bring down your monthly payment. Students enrolled in high school or college can take advantage of discounts based on academic performance, which typically require that you maintain the equivalent of a B average in your classes. Some companies will reduce the amount you owe if you agree to pay for your six-month policy upfront. Vehicles with advanced anti-theft and safety features can qualify you for additional savings.
Is car insurance required in the United States?
If you live in the U.S., you may be wondering how much coverage you’re required to have for your vehicle or whether you’re required to purchase coverage at all. The requirements for auto insurance are made on the state level, so what type of car insurance policy you need will depend on where you live.
There are two states, New Hampshire and Virginia, that don’t require any form of car insurance. However, there are restrictions and requirements that apply to this policy. Virginia requires that an uninsured motor vehicle fee be paid to the state in order to obtain an exemption from the driver’s insurance requirement. New Hampshire allows drivers to request approval to waive the state’s auto insurance requirements, though some drivers may be denied based on their driving record, especially if they have a history of DUIs or traffic violations.
Before you start comparing insurance rates, it’s a good idea to see what the requirements for an auto insurance policy are in the state where you live. Once you know how much coverage you’ll need, you can start looking at the car insurance premiums you qualify for from all of the major insurance companies in the United States. You should also take advantage of any discounts you’re eligible for, like good student discounts or safe driving discounts, which can help you manage the cost of your insurance. Even though insurance does tend to be pricier for younger drivers, you can make sure you get the best rate available if you know where to look.