What Do Children Learn In A High-Quality Kindergarten?

Kindergarten is a crucial phase of a child’s life that assists a child with his/her social skills and forms a firm academic base. Early education can increase the development level of a child, develop curiosity, decrease impulsiveness, and improve concentration.

Since kindergarten education holds such importance in a child’s life, your child must be enrolled in a quality kindergarten. Below are some of the features of a high-quality kindergarten in Adelaide.


Teachers in kindergartens aim to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills to make the concepts easier to understand. Most high-quality kindergartens emphasize academics for children from an early age.

  1. Math: Early maths is all about counting, patterns, and addition. Teachers aim to make math fun for children by citing examples from nature and everyday life, like the number of petals in a flower or the shapes drawn on school walls.
  2. Science: Teachers encourage activities that increase the curiosity of a child. They organise day-outs and fan their curiosity by introducing them to new objects and how they work. For example, putting together puzzle pieces or building blocks. 
  3. Social-Studies: Teachers teach about community, family, and friends. Teachers hold discussions on various topics so that children can participate in healthy discussions and learn about new opinions. They also teach about geography, history, language, and culture. 

Literacy and Language development

Language is the basis of communication. It is necessary to help your child communicate better with other children and understand and convey his/her emotions efficiently.

  1. Reading: Before entering kindergarten, every child has some experience in reading. Kindergarten teachers help children improve their skills by teaching them about phonetics and pronunciation. They read with the children and make the classroom informative through post-its and cutouts.
  2. Listening and Speaking: Oral skills help in effective communication and improve your reading and writing skills. Thus, kindergartens must ensure positive communication among children and teachers and encourage constructive learning.
  3. Writing: Writing is a necessity for any human. So, the more a person writes, the better they get at it. Teachers at kindergarten Adelaide make writing fun for kids with coloured pencils, crayons, and coloured paper and encourage children to express their thoughts through words or drawings.

Co-Curricular activities

Textbook education is important, but limiting education to textbooks is not fair to any learner. Teachers should encourage children to be creative.

  1. Activity clubs: A good kindergarten should encourage children to express themselves through writing, drawing, singing, weaving stories, dancing, etc. A high-quality kindergarten should teach your child to appreciate creativity and art.
  2. Cognitive thinking: Teachers encourage children to ask questions and develop quick thinking through observations, puzzles, and decision-making. 
  3. Technology: Classrooms are equipped with smart devices, tablets, and computers to make children technologically adept. Children can look up information or solve problems on these devices.

Development in a high-quality kindergarten

Apart from academics and co-curricular activities, a high-quality kindergarten emphasises early development. This includes physical development, emotional development, and social development. 
Precious Cargo is a high-quality kindergarten that is passionate about your child’s foundation and encourages holistic learning. They help your child to develop to their full potential with the help of the Montessori teaching method. So, for a better future for your child, visit now!

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