Topic: How to make time for workouts when you don’t have any time?


How Much is Enough?
Ask yourself: If I commit to exercising, how would I accommodate it?
What routines would I need to change in order to exercise?
What kind of exercise would be appealing to me?
Move while you wait
Work your abs while you sit, stand, or walk.
Get off the subway/train/bus one stop early.
Make calls more mobile.


Every person is as busy as it gets in today’s world. From work to family life to social calls and necessary personal time, it seems like 24 hours are not enough to fit every activity in a person’s calendar. In all this busyness, there is an integral part of our lives that takes a backseat – health and exercising. The importance of maintaining one’s health through workouts and an active lifestyle cannot be overstated – it is essential to living a fulfilled life. 

Here are some ways to make time for workouts when you don’t have any time:

How much is enough?

Ask yourself: If I commit to exercising, how to stay committed to working out?

How Your Workout Routine Needs To Change In Order To Exercise

What kind of fitness/health activity can be appealing to me?

Move while you wait

You can exercise your stomach while sitting, standing, or walking

Simply get off the bus one stop early

Make calls more mobile


There are many ways one can work out without ‘exercising’ if one stays open to being creative about it. It is not always possible to make time for the gym or dedicated workouts but it is always possible to stay active. Even small things like walking on a call can lead to major changes over time.

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