57% of business leaders say their offices lose 6 hours per week due to a disorganized office.
Not only does disorganization cost time and money, but it can lower employee morale and cause unnecessary stress. Even worse, you could lose confidential client documents and get into serious legal trouble.
One of the best solutions for a disorganized office is to get custom tabs. Whether you use them in binders or file folders, custom tabs have a slew of benefits, from increasing productivity to lowering your stress levels.
Do these benefits sound like something your office could benefit from? Then keep reading for the top 5 benefits of custom tabs!
Table of Contents
1. Increase Your Productivity
Even if you have generic tabs like A-Z or number tabs, you can still be searching for hours within each of those categories.
Instead, custom tabs, like the tabs at https://tabshop.com/, can help you find what you need right away. This means you’ll have more time to do the most important tasks for the job and meet your deadlines.
2. Match Your Company’s Needs
Your company may have its own filing system that doesn’t fit within the constraints of generic tabs. And depending on the project you’re working on, you may need to include company branding, company names, and other custom items.
While you could hand-write these tabs, it doesn’t look as professional or organized. A laminated, professional custom file tab is not only easier to read but is more durable as well.
3. Give a Professional Look
If your company often meets with clients or has to do important presentations with investors, you need all your materials to have a professional look.
Using custom divider tabs in your binders shows that you went the extra mile for the client. It also shows your dedication to the project and helps you create a professional reputation.
4. Help Lower Employee Stress
No matter how well you treat your employees, if disorganization causes them to be very stressed, you can guarantee they won’t want to stay.
Whether it’s a divider tab or a file divider, custom tabs can help employees find the information they need with less stress. You can also tailor custom tabs to each employee’s role and working style.
5. Increase Security
The last thing you want to do is lose your client’s corporate documents and get into legal trouble.
With generic tabs, you could end up placing client documents under the same numbers and letters as documents in other binders and get them mixed up.
With a custom tab, you can be sure of where each document is at all times so you can keep confidential client documents secure.
Transform Your Office Productivity With Custom Tabs
Custom tabs are one of the best ways to help you cultivate a professional reputation, whether that’s inside the office or during meetings with clients.
And between lessening your employees’ stress and keeping documents secure, you’re getting more benefits out of custom tabs than just organization.
For even more helpful tips and tricks, be sure to check out the rest of our site!