Top 4 Factors to Consider When Buying Outdoor Patio Furniture

In 2021, over 90 percent of Americans with patios, decks, or other outdoor areas are utilizing them more often. This trend isn’t surprising since the pandemic taught us the importance of simple pleasures, such as getting fresh air and having comfortable spaces to relax at home.

Of course, since most of us are trying to spend more time on our patios or decks, we also want to fix the space up and make it more inviting. As a result, nearly 60 percent of consumers plan to purchase at least one piece of outdoor furniture or accessories for their outdoor space.

If you are thinking about buying outdoor patio furniture, this post is for you! We’ll show you how to choose the best pieces for your space, climate, and lifestyle. So keep reading for the best outdoor furniture tips!

Measure the Space

Before you purchase a beautiful furniture set you see online, take the time to measure the space. It is vital to know the dimensions of your patio and consider how much of the area you wish to fill.

For example, you’ll need to account for walkways and space for other objects, like a grill or plants. And, if several people are sitting on the patio, there should be enough room for everyone to get up from their chairs without bumping into one another.

Think About What Types of Furniture You Want

Another thing to think about is the type of furniture that you wish to purchase. Of course, this largely depends on what activities you will do in your outdoor space.

For example, if you like having guests over, you may want to get folding wood chairs for patios that can be stored easily and a large outdoor table.

On the other hand, some individuals prefer to use their space for lounging and relaxing. And, for this, a hammock or outdoor sofa is perfect.

Of course, if you have a large space, you could set up zones for meals, entertaining guests, and relaxing.

Consider the Local Weather

Not all of us are fortunate enough to have year-round sunshine, so you’ll need to consider what to do with your furniture in the colder months. Thinking about storing patio furniture is especially important if you live in a climate with snow or heavy rain.

One of the most convenient options is folding furniture since it doesn’t take up a lot of space in your shed or garage. However, if you end up purchasing bulky pieces, you can cover them with a waterproof tarp.

Alternatively, you can look for weather-friendly furniture, which can handle even the worst of conditions.

Pick Durable Materials

Unfortunately, not all furniture is made to stand the test of time. And, as a result, you may need to do some maintenance like staining or varnishing wood.

If you have a larger patio furniture budget and don’t want to do any maintenance, you could always opt for high-end furniture sets. These are more likely to stay looking their best year after year.

Buying Outdoor Patio Furniture Was Never This Simple!

Are you ready to begin planning your outdoor patio setup? If so, keep these tips in mind when buying outdoor patio furniture! By doing so, you’re bound to have the outside area of your dreams- a space to entertain, relax, and make dozens of memories!

If you thought this article was helpful, check out more of our posts! You’ll find lots of advice for consumers, which can help you make smarter purchases!

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