An estimated 67% of US households are interested in going solar. If this is the case, why are so few households gearing up to invest in solar?
Part of the problem is that for every person saying that solar power is a viable green energy option, someone else is saying that it isn’t good for the environment. For every person saying that installing solar panels will save you money, someone else is saying that it will cost more than nonrenewables.
What is the truth about solar panel installation? We’re here to tell you.
Read on as we talk about the true pros and cons of installing solar panels on your property.
The Pros of Installing Solar Panels at Home
Solar power is, in fact, a true green energy source. Solar power and the panels used to harness it release far less CO2 than nonrenewable resources, reducing your carbon footprint and the negative impact your home’s energy usage has on air quality. Solar power also doesn’t require the use of water, which reduces the strain on available drinking water.
Solar power does allow homeowners to save money on their electric bills and comes with federal tax incentives. That means that you save money month to month and get more money when it comes time to file those taxes.
Solar panel installation can also help you to make money. Not only do solar panels raise property values but you can also sell back any excess energy generated by your panels that your family doesn’t need.
The Cons of Installing Solar Panels at Home
Just about any investment that you make into your property is going to come with a few cons. Solar panel installation is no exception.
It is true that the cost of installing solar panels can be higher than homeowners anticipate. For starters, it’s almost never advisable to purchase and install solar panels on your own, which means that you will have to pay for the cost of labor. Plus, some companies do charge high upfront fees to complete the job.
Fortunately, there is a solution to the issue of high upfront costs: finding a solar installation company that offers workable financing options. Blue Raven Solar is a great example.
The other con of installing solar panels on your roof or somewhere else on your property? They’re not always easy to relocate after installation. The good news is that because they raise property values and last for decades, you’re not likely to want to move them.
Embrace Green Energy With Solar Panels
Most homeowners are interested in installing solar panels on their property, but misinformation is slowing them down. Now that you know the true pros and cons of creating a solar home, you can make an informed decision and embrace green energy.
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