PDFs are the best file format to work with in business and there is an increased need to edit and manipulate these files to complete important projects. There are several PDF editors on the market, with each one offering slightly different tools and functions, some of which will be useful to your business and others that will not. Your business is unique there are many factors to navigate to find out which program is right for you.
What do you need the program to do? How many staff will use it? Which program or app works best for your requirements? These all need to be answered and there is so much information out there it can be a time-consuming process.
Luckily, PDFelement done a lot of the hard work for you and brought together the most important information and statistics on two of the top PDF editing programs on the market – Adobe Acrobat and PDFelement. Our infographic brings together verdicts from reviews, customer feedback and market research to outline exactly which program is the best for your needs.
The infographic takes you four easy steps covering questions you need to ask and the answers visually to help you come to the right answer without the effort!
Which PDF program has the best customer reviews? Which one is the most reliable for different functions? Which is best for your company size? The infographic will guide you to the answer for all of these important questions.
Start reading now from this Source to find out which PDF editing software is best for your business.
How to choose best PDF editor for your business:
1. Read Reviews: This infogrphic will present analysis on 240 revies from G2 Crowd, world’s leading business olutions review plaforms, are selected as raw data. 140 reviews are from Adobe Acrobat DC users, and 100 reviews are from PDFelement users.
2. Confirm your Company Size : It is wise to select the best PDF editor for your business size. Both Adobe Acrobat and PDFelement provide robust PDF solutions to business users. Statistics show that PDFelement is much more popular among small business users.
3. What Functionalities Are You Looking For: According to analyais of 240 reviews, 9 functionalities are frequently used in their work. Edit, Convert and OCR are the top 3 features most frequently used by them.
4. Which PDF Editor Perform Better: By comparing Adobe Acrobat DC and PDFelement, they have own advantages. To choose a cost-effective and multi-functional PDF editor, PDFelement could be a better choice.