Homework has become a norm in many schools. And while there are many benefits to assigning homework, it can also be a burden on students and their families. After a long day of school, chores, and homework, it can be easy for an exhausted student to just give up and say they’ve finished their homework. But is your student’s homework really done? Is there anything that you or your child could do before giving up? Homework helpers like Show My Homework can make the process easier for both you and your student. We’ll provide:
- Proof of completion with grade feedback
- A plagiarism report
- A detailed syllabus to help students with time management
- Community where kids can ask questions and get answers from teachers, tutors, and peers
Table of Contents
The Benefits of Homework Helpers
Proof of completion: Show My Homework will provide proof of your child’s completed homework. With a grade feedback, you can be confident that your child is getting the help they need.
Plagiarism report: Need to know if your child plagiarized their homework? Show My Homework has a plagiarism report to show where the copied text appears on the internet.
Detailed syllabus: A detailed syllabus for every assignment will help your student with time management and understanding what is expected of them.
Community: Show My Homework provides a community where kids can ask questions and get answers from teachers, tutors, and peers. Kids can learn from each other’s experiences. Every day, there are new Q&As submitted by students to our educational platform!
The Challenges of Homework
Homework, in and of itself, is a good thing. It gives students the opportunity to practice skills outside of school. But for some students, homework can be too much. When homework becomes burdensome, it’s easy for students to give up or take shortcuts without realizing it. This can lead to grades slipping or worse, cheating if they don’t know how to handle the pressure of finishing their work on time.
Help Your Student Get the Most Out of Homework
Traditionally, homework is given as a means of reinforcing what was learned in school. This can be true for some assignments, but not all. What if you have an assignment that involves writing a paragraph about the solar system, and your child doesn’t know anything about the solar system?
As a parent, it’s important to get your student on board with their homework and help them complete it. By doing so, not only will they learn more in school, they’ll also be able to enjoy the process and become more invested in their education. And with services like Show My Homework, it’s easy to make sure your student has finished their assignments before time is up! Plus, with our plagiarism report feature, you can feel confident that your student is getting the best grades possible.
What is Show My Homework?
Show My Homework is a homework checking service that makes it easy for students to submit their assignments and get feedback on the work they’ve done. We provide a suite of services, including proof of completion, plagiarism reports, detailed syllabi, and a community where kids can ask questions and receive answers from teachers, tutors, and peers.
By using Show My Homework to check your student’s homework you’ll know that their work is completed and graded by an expert. Plus we offer our plagiarism report for free with any proof of completion order. This will help to ensure that your student doesn’t accidentally plagiarize content when completing their homework assignments. We also offer a detailed syllabus with time management tools to help them better prepare for their work load tomorrow or in the coming days. Show My Homework offers all this for $4 per assignment.
How does Show My Homework Work?
It’s easy to use Show My Homework to get help for your student. All you have to do is go to https://showmyhomework.com, and then sign in with your email address or the email address of your child’s school district. You’ll be asked to select the subject and grade level that your child needs help with.
The next screen will provide a list of teachers in your area who are ready and willing to tutor your child. All you need to do is pick one, schedule a time and place, and send out invitations. If a teacher has an opening at a time that works for you, they’ll confirm the appointment within 24 hours. They’ll also provide feedback on whether or not they think they can help – so you know what your expectations should be going into it!
At the appointed time, you’ll meet up with the tutor at a location of their choosing and hand over any materials or devices needed for homework completion.
Afterward, all that remains is for someone on either end (you or the tutor) to upload an assignment proof from Show My Homework that demonstrates that the work was completed satisfactorily!
Why should I use Show My Homework?
The ability to complete homework with a guarantee of success is worth it for most parents. But there are other benefits too. If you’ve had trouble managing your student’s time, Show My Homework can be a game changer. Show My Homework can help you and your student to better manage their time by:
- Creating a detailed syllabus tailored to your child’s needs
- Gathering all the work together in one place
- Helping students stay on top of their work by providing reminders about deadlines
- Providing a community for students to ask questions, get feedback, and connect with peers
If you have any questions, please contact us at help@showmyhomework.com
It’s no secret that homework is an integral part of your student’s education. But there are some challenges that you may be facing as a parent. Show My Homework offers parents the opportunity to see what their student is doing in the classroom, and get a better understanding of their skills and progress.
The best part? You can do it from anywhere!