Shopping for Weighted Vest for Men- Things to Consider

Some weighted vests are ideal for both men and women, but some are exclusively made for men. There are several options to choose from, but men need to consider some factors before purchasing. So what defines a quality weighted vest for men?

Here are the things to consider before you buy them.

❖  Design

It is evident that men and women have different physiques, which is why the design of weighted waste can differ according to the sex they are made for.

You’ll find a bunch of designs when looking for the best-weighted vests for men. The first type covers the chest throughout and has stretchy fabric that completely fits the men’s body. They offer support and do not execute any pressure on the body.

Other types have an X style that leaves the chest uncovered. These types of vests have straps across the chest like a classic backpack. The two straps of the vest sit around the shoulder area and leave the rest of the part without cover.

The x style rests are ideal for men with broad chests, especially those with a gym body. Backpack-style vests are cost-effective but are less weighted than the conventional type. 

❖  Comfort

When you have chosen a style of the vest, the next focus should be comfort. The major factors that affect the comfort of weight vests for men are padding and adjustability. It is justified that more padding on the torso and straps will make the west more comfortable on the body.

Talking about adjustability, the vest should allow you to pull the straps, cords, and belts to make the vest fit on your body perfectly. It shouldn’t be too loose or too tight as it will reduce comfort. A vest too loose will bounce or slide around as you do activities like jumping, running, or crawling. Hence you should be able to snag the west to fit according to the aim. Also, a vest too tight will restrict your breathing.

❖  Weight

Men’s vests have a similar weight as the unisex models. But they offer the choice of sandbags or metal bars that provide the actual load. But there are different ways of loading and adjusting the weights in a vest.

For example, the vests on the reasonable side do not feature the adjustability of the loads. They have sandbags or other loads sowed straight into the vest. There is no way to replace them. For example, if you buy a 6lb vest with this design, you won’t be able to add or decrease the weight. If you want to add heavier weight, you will have to purchase a new one.

In contrast, many rated training vests for men feature a series of metal bars or sandbags in different pockets. You can easily replace or remove them according to your requirement. For instance, you are buying a 30lb vest, it does not force you to work out with 30 lbs from the start. You can easily remove some weights from the pockets and add them back then you are able to lift those weights.

The west with removable metal bars is a better choice. They might feel a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but they are durable, unlike sandbags.

❖  Extras

A vest with suitable weight and comfy fit are important factors to consider. But there are some vests that offer additional features like storage pouches, water bottle holders, and extra pockets. Some even have features like reflective strips for hooks for parachute resistance training.

These features can come in handy whenever you are training. If you are purchasing a weighted vest for men, the storage pouches will be helpful while running. You won’t be able to take any extra bags or packs to hold your stuff. Choosing these vests would be a wise option.

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