Think about a room, any room, in your home. Chances are, you can’t count the number of outlets, lights, and other electrical devices on two hands.
Electricity is a modern marvel, allowing us access to many of the conveniences that make our daily lives comfortable and enjoyable.
However, it also opens the door to a wide variety of electrical hazards. In fact, electrical fires account for over 50,000 house fires every year.
The good news is, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent electrical hazards in your home, protecting yourself and your family in the process. To learn more about these electrical safety tips, just keep reading!
Table of Contents
Protect Your Electrical Outlets
One of the most common electrical hazards is unsafe outlets. Luckily, making your outlets safer is also one of the simplest steps you can take!
First, ensure that unoccupied outlets are covered to reduce electrical hazards to children and pets. You can also replace your outlets with tamper-resistant receptacles, which are designed with spring-loaded shutters that close when the outlet isn’t in use.
Practice Electrical Cord Safety
When you’re unplugging a device, never yank the cord from the wall. Instead, hold the actual plug and remove it. Pulling the cord can cause wear and tear that increases the risk of shock and electrical fires.
Never run cords under carpets or rugs or in high-traffic areas, and never nail them to a wall. In addition, extension cords should only be used temporarily, never as a permanent solution.
Both regular cords and extension cords should be inspected periodically for fraying and wear. Frayed and otherwise worn-out cords should be discarded.
Be Mindful of Circuit Breaker Trips
We’ve all been there before – you run too many small appliances in the kitchen at once and the breaker trips. This is nothing to worry about; however, if it happens repeatedly, it could be a sign of a deeper issue.
When a breaker trips often, it could point to a faulty appliance, damaged wiring, or deteriorating circuits. If you notice this happening, it’s best to call in a professional.
Electricians have a thorough knowledge of how circuit breakers work and how to avoid electrical hazards. Attempting to tackle electrical work on your own can lead to serious injury or worse if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Take Advantage of GCFI Protection
Modern homes come with GCFI protection, meaning they’re built with ground fault circuit interrupters. These are designed to shut off power if incoming and outgoing currents don’t match.
If your home was built before 1971, you might not have them. Look at the outlets in your kitchen and bathroom – if at least one in each room doesn’t have two colorful buttons between the individual sockets, you need to call an electrician.
Keep Your Family Safe by Preventing Home Electrical Hazards
We use electronics so often in day-to-day life that it’s all too easy to overlook the dangers. But the truth is, electrical hazards can be a major threat to your safety and cause absolute devastation if not addressed properly.
By using this guide, you can ensure that your family is protected from some of the most common causes of life-threatening fire and electric shock.
To learn more about keeping yourself and your family safe in your home, take a look at our blog!