How to Protect Your Credit Card Information

Today, the use of credit cards is growing more and more and now even small amounts are paid with them. And although some experts predict its end in a few years due to the increase in payment with the smartphone, the truth is that its use continues to grow. Online shopping has encouraged its use. But the risks have also increased.

Cybercriminals have adopted old techniques such as skimming (clone or duplicate card). This is no longer limited to ATMs, but also to the internet. To achieve this, they infect web pages with malware that steals banking information. Once in their possession, they can make purchases as if they were the owner. How to protect yourself against this practice?

-Be cautious when choosing the stores in which to buy. We must observe the site and if it does not inspire confidence or gives us little credibility, it is better not to buy anything. Check that the navigation address has a padlock symbol and begins with HTTPS.

-Don’t trust if the store asks for your PIN number, never type it. Normally, when buying online they ask for the card number, the expiration date, and the security code (CVV or CVC) that comes on the back. But they never ask for the card’s PIN. That security code, CVV in case of expiry or card loss can be caught online. Many CVV shops like Eracvv are authentic to purchase CVV codes.

-Do not carry out these transactions if you are connected to public Wi-Fi networks.

-The payment gateways offer greater security guarantees. That is why it is convenient to pay through one whenever this option is offered.

-Access the online store or any other where you are going to provide personal data by writing the address in the browser bar. Never do it through links sent by email. It may be false.

-Do not give permission for the merchant to save the credit card data, even if it means providing them again for each purchase.

– Delete browsing data, cookies and history and deactivate the autocomplete function. This way, neither the card number nor passwords or other data will be stored on the PC.

– Use a single credit card, linked to a checking account with little money. Or, even better, use a prepaid card. These are known as wallets and there are also virtual versions of them. However, it must be borne in mind that sometimes, this type of card may be subject to commissions (especially for renewal).

-To detect as soon as possible the theft of money from the bank account, consult the movements frequently and configure alerts that warn when charges have been made to that card.

-Beware of emails that pretend to come from a bank in which credit card details are requested.

-Keep your antivirus and your operating system updated.

-When you use the credit card at an ATM and enter the PIN, cover the keyboard so that no one can see the number, not even hidden cameras.

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