How to Hire efficiently Mobile App Developers in UK During the Pandemic in 2021

The mobile app market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 258 billion downloads worldwide by 2022. Users are more likely to use a mobile app than a website that makes mobile developers one of the most respected experts in the market.

Hiring app developers seems easy at first glance. In fact, it is a multi-step process with multiple disadvantages that can cost you a reputation if you implement the final product incorrectly. In this article you will find out how you can hire the right app developers to create your ideas.

We will cover the following points:

You have recruitment options

When it comes to IT professionals, you have flexible options – full-time or part-time employees, independent contractors. How that employee will work (in the office or remotely) and where you find them (freelance platforms, outsourcing companies) also gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of price. Each option applies to different situations and has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Option 1: Work with freelancers

This is probably the first option that comes to mind when you need to hire app developers in London. One of the reasons why hiring freelancers in London or any other state of UK is so widely an option is that companies can work with experts from around the world and they usually charge a lower fee than the internal developer which costs the company.

There are many websites with thousands of freelancers that specialize in various fields, and you will definitely find your application developers and get the services you need.

To hire freelancer developers  there are several popular platforms that you can choose like:

Like any remote employee, freelancers need experience and self-motivation to achieve their goals.

Language barriers and time zone differences are other potential barriers to working with freelancers that lead to misunderstandings and failed deadlines. Another common problem is that freelancers often work on multiple projects at the same time. So you should pay some attention to the reputation of the freelancer to ensure that they will not leave your project one day.


Cost effectiveness

Large pool of developers with different skills.

Multiple recruitment platforms.


Possibility of language barrier.

It’s hard to manage.

Possibility to abandon the project.

Option 2: Gather the team in one house

In this case, the communication is very high because you are all under one roof. As a result, you gain more control over the entire development process and can make changes at any time.

But do not rush into happiness. Assembling an in-house team is usually associated with heavy costs. You need to rent an office, furnish it, and buy hardware and licensed software. In addition, you will have to pay wages, sick leave, and leave for each employee.

Do not forget about the long and difficult recruitment process. It will be difficult to compete with big companies that attract specialists with huge salaries and numerous benefits.

Another disadvantage is that you may need someone to handle your development team. If you do not have management skills, it is important to hire a project manager or CTO to ensure consistent and efficient development.


Full control over the team.

No communication problems.


A long and difficult recruitment process.


Team management skills are required.

Option 3: Hire an outsourcing company

The easiest way to build an app is to outsource an app development company. If you do this, you will get advanced services at a reasonable price. This option does not force you to hire employees, rent an office and incur other unnecessary expenses. Most of the app development companies already have professional app developers like You can hire specif. You need to create an app. In addition, shopkeepers are responsible for team management and product delivery. You are free to choose any app development company in London that suits your resources and needs.

However, when choosing a foreign app development company, you may encounter significant language barriers and time differences. These flaws can affect the overall communication process with the shopkeeper, but experienced app development company have excellent English staff and adjust the communication time to facilitate the client. Its highly recommended while hiring app developers or app development company in UK go for local app development services provider this will solve a lot of issues some of them i mentioned above


Relatively cheap.

Wide selection of tech vendors from around the world.

You can get any tech skill you need.

No management required by you.

Quick start project.


Language barriers and time zones may still differ.

When is outsourcing the best choice?

Budget limits

If your resources are limited, you can hardly afford a development team at home. In addition to the higher salaries, you will have to spend a lot of money on rent and office expenses.

When you choose to outsource programming, you do not have to worry about whether you have enough money to pay rent and wages. Plus, you don’t pay for sick leaves or vacations – just for the actual work.

Lack of talent.

Even if your company has an internal software development team, the app you want to create does not match the expertise of your team. Building AI-based or AR features without the relevant skills is time consuming and often expensive.

Depending on the size, outsourcing companies usually have a pool of experts specializing in business domains and technologies.

Strict deadline.

It takes a lot of experience to manage a team of freelance or in-country developers. Otherwise, poor planning will lead to lost history or poor quality products.

Behind hundreds of products, outsourcing companies have a clear understanding of how to build a solid and transparent pipeline that prevents deadlines. Even if unexpected problems arise during development, IT vendors can resolve them according to dynamic development methods and after flexibility of changes.

Ask for references.

Chances are that someone from your professional network can recommend you to a proven professional. However, this procedure requires a long list of professional contacts. The more people in the industry you know, the more likely you are to find the right tech talent for your team.

Tech events.

If referrals are not an option, you can always find developers at special tech events. These events bring together thousands of developers and industry experts to share knowledge, experience and partnerships.

A special feature of tech events is the opportunity to meet directly with mobile app developers and discuss further opportunities for collaboration in a formal environment. Even if you don’t find talent for your project in tech events, you will find valuable industry contacts that can come in handy later.

There are several annual tech events where you can hire mobile app developers.

Mobile code

This is the iOS and Android tech conference in the UK that developers have created for developers.


 In ten years, this Berlin event turned into the biggest Android-only developer meeting.

App Ducon.

This is a tech meet-up based in Amsterdam for iOS, Android, and cross-platform developers.

That conference.

 The conference is held in Wisconsin Dells, WI and brings together a relaxed IT community to share the experience.


This is a Denver-based conference full of industry-recognized experts and skilled mobile developers.

Online platform

This is the easiest way you can go. Using these combinations, you are more likely to get the services of mobile app developers at a reasonable price. Different platforms are good at looking for professionals for different collaboration models and they can be divided into three categories and some of them have already been mentioned:

Platform for hiring full-time employees:

Platform for hiring freelancers:

Platforms for hiring IT vendors:

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