When you’re injured in an accident, it can be hard to think clearly. You’re dealing with hundreds of unexpected tasks, plus attempting to deal with your injuries.
You need someone to help you navigate this unexplored journey to avoid the dangers and pitfalls. That’s the job of a personal injury attorney. However, it’s vital that you find a lawyer that knows the ins and outs of the road you’re on and can get you maximum results.
There are a variety of factors that go into finding the right accident injury attorney. You may find that everyone wants your case. There’s a big difference between a reputable lawyer and someone we call an “ambulance chaser.”
Before you hire someone to represent you, use these criteria to judge if they’re the best lawyer for you.
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1. Start With Referrals
Word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertisement. When someone you know and trust has used a particular attorney for a similar problem and they had a good experience, you can feel comfortable adding that law firm to your list of possible solutions.
When you narrow down your search to a few names, check for online reviews on Google and social media. It’s a good sign when the majority of past clients recommend the attorney. You can visit here to find a good and reputed accident law firm in New York.
On the other hand, it’s not uncommon to have a bad experience with a lawyer. Some of those “ambulance chasers” we mentioned earlier are out for a quick dollar instead of your best interest.
An occasional negative review on an otherwise highly recommended attorney is normal. No one can please everyone. But if the same warnings come up repeatedly, you know to stay away from that lawyer.
2. Look for a Lawyer That Specializes in Your Case
There are general attorneys, and then there are those who specialize in fields like auto collisions, slip and falls, and worker’s compensation. When a lawyer narrows their focus, they know the laws that pertain to that area in depth. If you’re in the Bronx and looking for a truck accident attorney to help you out, we recommend you to visit here personalinjurylawyersbronx.com.
An expert in a particular field has the resources on hand to take care of you. They know the medical professionals to send you to so you can recover optimally and so that your case is stronger.
When you schedule a consultation, ask the person you are talking to how long they’ve been handling personal injury cases. Specifically, ask if they’ve ever handled a case like yours and what their success rate is for all their accident lawsuits.
3. Find Out What They Predict in Your Case
Your consultation is where you’ll learn what you can expect to happen during your lawsuit. Lawyers can’t predict the exact timeline and steps that will show up because every case is unique. But an experienced lawyer will be able to give you a solid picture.
For example, at JT Legal Group, they advertise a consultation that includes:
- Professional advice tailored to your situation, along with a suggested course of action
- The options you have and how likely each one is to be successful
- Your next steps so that you’ll leave the office knowing how to move forward
- An estimate of the timeline your case will take to settle and a possible amount of compensation you may receive
If you don’t leave your consultation knowing all of this information, as well as how you’ll be charged, keep looking.
4. Ask About Their Terms
Anyone who has had to hire a lawyer before knows it’s not a cheap service. Professional law firms are known to charge hundreds of dollars per hour, plus fees for costs.
This adds up quickly in a personal injury case, where your success can hinge on how well the lawyer researches the event and builds the evidence.
Many personal injury attorneys offer to work on a contingency fee. They don’t get paid unless you win. This way, you don’t have to worry about payment while you’re trying to heal. You know it’s in your lawyer’s best interest to ensure your victory, so you can trust their professional suggestions.
Before you sign a contract, you should be comfortable with the terms of payment. More importantly, you must feel satisfied that the person you choose will be trustworthy and that you’ll get along with them.
If you have that nagging gut feeling that something is “off,” walk away. You have plenty more law firms to choose from.
This is a vital decision that you can only make once. It is possible to switch lawyers mid-case, but it’s complicated and expensive. Take your time and use these tips to find the lawyer that’s right for you.
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