Holding a Wine Glass: How To Hold a Wine Glass

Are you a big wine fan? Or are you new to the game and looking to learn more? Either way, there’s a right and a wrong way to hold a wine glass.

While there’s no silver lining to discovering a cracked wine glass, there are a few rules to follow. This will ensure that you’re able to enjoy your next glass without needing another case to replace one cracked plate.

Unless you plan on taking sips out of the plate and leaving the rest for the chef, it pays to learn how to hold a wine glass properly.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about holding a wine glass and how to make sure your wine tasting experience is perfect.

Pinky Up

This is the most proper way of holding a wine glass and shows that you have good manners. You may see people holding their pinky up when they are trying to impress someone or showing off their good manners. So, if you want to impress someone, make sure to hold your wine glass in this manner.

The Claw

You’ve seen it in movies and on TV. The elegant way to hold a wine glass is by the stem, using only your fingertips and pointer finger to support the base of the glass.

But what if we told you there’s an even better way to hold your wine glass? Introducing… the claw!

Here’s how it works: curl your fingers into a loose fist, keeping your thumb extended. Place the base of the wine glass in the space between your thumb and first two fingers. For support, gently wrap your remaining fingers around the stem of the glass.

There you have it! The perfect way to grip your wine glass and avoid those dreaded fingerprints.

The Goblet

If you are not very experienced with drinking wine, you may be afraid of breaking the stem. In this case, you can hold the wine glass by the bowl, not the stem.

To do this, grip the glass by the bowl with your hand and support the bottom of the glass with your thumb. This is usually done by people who are not very experienced with wine and are afraid of breaking the stem.

Cradling The Bowl

Another example of proper wine etiquette is holding the wine glass by the stem with your fingers cradling the bowl. This means that you will have your thumb and first two fingers holding the glass by the stem. Your fourth and fifth fingers will be tucked in and not touch the glass.

This is a very relaxed way to hold your wine glass and is usually done by people who are comfortable with their wine knowledge.

Additionally, now that you know how to hold a wine glass, you can focus on finding the right wine preservation system. There are many different options available, so it’s essential to do your research. You can find these wine preservation systems online or at your local wine store.

With the right system in place, you can enjoy your wine for months or even years.

The Etiquette For Holding A Wine Glass

Now that you know the proper way of holding a wine glass, you can enjoy your wine with confidence. Be sure to practice holding your glass so that you can avoid spilling your wine. Also, be sure to enjoy your wine responsibly.

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