GPS Asset Tracking: What You Need to Know in 2022

Companies invest millions of dollars in assets from shipping containers to construction equipment to carry out their business. For small startups, these costs can make up a significant part of your operating budget. One of the ways to protect your equipment investment is using GPS asset tracking to ensure it is being used properly and by the right people.

Asset tracking systems have come a long way over the years and can provide business owners with peace of mind and lower operating costs. Read on to learn more about GPS tracking and how it can help your organization.

What is GPS Asset Tracking?

Adding a GPS tracking system to your equipment is similar to tracking trucks or cars in a fleet. When you install a GPS tracking device on your shipping container, for example, the device transmits location information to tracking software in your office. These tracking devices use the same global positioning system satellite used in commercial and personal navigation systems. 

What Are the Benefits of GPS Tracking?

GPS asset trackers are accurate and reliable. They help prevent improper use of equipment, deter theft, and maximize profitable utilization. Here are some of the many other benefits of using a GPS tracking system:

How to Choose an Asset Tracking System

There are many GPS tracking systems available in the marketplace. It’s important to understand the features they include and how they will benefit your specific business. If you want to manage a fleet of cars and trucks with your GPS tracking system, look for these features:

For companies who want to ensure their equipment is being used properly and in a cost-efficient manner, look for these features, too:

One of the leading providers of GPS asset tracking is Linxup. Learn more about how their feature-rich systems can benefit your business.

Keep Tabs on Everything

Businesses invest a lot of money in their vehicles, equipment, and other assets. Knowing where it is and how it is being used helps protect your investment and reduces your cost of ownership. One of the best ways to manage your equipment is with GPS asset tracking systems. 

There are many system options to choose from, so it’s important to select the one that fits your needs and budget. It’s a small investment that will help you protect the future of your business for years to come. 

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