Nearly 1 in 7 people in the United States live with a physical disability, according to statistics. For individuals with disabilities, public restroom design with accessibility is often lacking.
Despite these valid concerns, many public restrooms are still inaccessible. So, what constitutes an inaccessible public toilet? They are usually single-user restrooms, lack a stance of gender neutrality, or don’t have a chair to sit on for elderly people who need support.
How do we fix this? We can help. Let’s learn more about how we provide better public restrooms, plus how you can make yours more accessible.
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Types of Restroom Facilities
There are a variety of ways to improve public restroom accessibility, depending on the facility’s specific needs.
With Wheelchair Accessible Seating
Some toilet facilities have wheelchair-accessible seating, making it easier for people with disabilities. This seating can come in the form of a raised seat or bench, and it should be close to the toilet so that users don’t have to walk far.
With Grab Bars
Another way to make bathroom access easier for people with disabilities is to install grab bars near the toilets. These bars can help users who need assistance getting up and down from the toilet.
Grab bars can also help people who have mobility issues maneuver around the bathroom.
With Step-in Showers
These are also ideal for people with mobility issues. Showers with this design feature a platform that users can step on to get into them. This makes showering much easier for people who have trouble getting up from a seated position.
It can also be helpful to those who have difficulty reaching high places.
Site Preparation
Public restroom accessibility is an important issue that needs to be taken into account when planning any new construction or renovation. If a site is not accessible, then people with disabilities will not be able to use the facilities. Many feasible facilities can be implemented to improve public restroom accessibility.
One option is to install elevators in all public restrooms. This will make it easier for people with disabilities to access toilet facilities. It will also make it easier for people who are physically unable to climb up and down stairs.
Also, installing Braille signage in all public restrooms will make it easier for people with visual impairments.
Use Soft Colors & Lighting
When designing public restrooms, make use of soft colors and lighting. This will make the environment more inviting and less intimidating for those with disabilities.
Additionally, using a light touch with décor will also make the space feel less cluttered. So, be sure to include enough ADA-compliant signage so that everyone can understand where the facilities are.
Improve the Privacy of Occupants
Public restroom accessibility is an important issue that needs to be addressed to improve occupants’ privacy.
One way to improve privacy for occupants is to make the bathroom more private by using curtains or dividers. This will help to protect the privacy of people who are using the bathroom, as well as those who are waiting in line.
Additionally, it can be helpful to have signage indicating when the bathroom is open and closed so that people know when they should avoid it.
Another way to improve public restroom accessibility is to create more gender-neutral bathrooms. This will make it easier for people of different genders to use the same restroom without feeling uncomfortable or exposed.
Public restrooms also need to be accessible for mothers of small babies. Check out the best baby-changing tables on this link: https://www.prestigewashrooms.co.uk/washroom-safety/child-safety/horizontal-baby-changing-tables.html.
Automate Fixtures and Features
There are a number of automated fixtures and features that can make the experience more accessible for everyone. One option is automatic door opening.
This feature allows people with disabilities to open the door without waiting for someone else to do it. It can also help reduce accidents by making it easier for people to leave the restroom without running into obstacles.
Another option is wheelchair-accessible stalls. These stalls have a raised area that allows wheelchair users to get inside and out easily. They also have a door that opens automatically, making it easy for them to go outside.
Urinal Upgrades
Urinal upgrades can be made to make them easier to use, more stable, and less likely to fall over. One of the most common upgrades is adding a raised platform or toilet seat. This is a common modification that makes it easier for people with mobility disabilities to use bathroom facilities.
Additionally, changing traditional urinals with gender-neutral options can also make a big difference. By breaking down traditional notions about what public restrooms are for, more people can feel comfortable and safe using them.
Maintenance and Upkeep
Maintaining restroom cleanliness and keeping the area free from obstructions can make public restroom access easier for everyone. One way to keep public restrooms clean is to vacuum or sweep the floors regularly. This will help remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated over time.
It is also important to keep the bathroom mirrors clear so that people with disabilities can see what they are doing. If any posters or signs are posted in the bathroom, it is important to take them down so that they do not block anyone’s view.
Improve Your Public Restroom Accessibility Today
Public restroom accessibility is an important issue for many people. A few simple things can be done to improve accessibility, including installing grab bars, providing clear signage, and ensuring that doorways are wide enough to accommodate wheelchair users.
With a little bit of planning and effort, it is possible to make public restrooms more accessible for everyone.
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