If you are about to pick a web hosting, then you are gonna need web hosting with the control panel. Choosing the best web Hosting control panel is the mandatory thing in the online business.
When you choose a cost next to nothing usa KVM vps server with Windows, you gain access to a hosting network that is renowned for its stability and low latency.
When you jump into then there are two options cPanel and Plesk. Both options are pretty popular in the web hosting world. You have to choose between them, and as per my observation DomainRacer and DedicatedCore gives both control panel very easily.
They have the cheapest control panel with the newest features and tools. In this cPanel vs. Plesk article, we will discover many things about both of them. So let’s get started from understanding both the concepts first,
Table of Contents
What is cPanel?
cPanel is a Linux-based control panel and the most-used server in the world. That helps you simplify hosting server and website management. You can manage your hosting accounts through this including domain, publishing website, and creating email accounts. the benefit of buying bharat dedicated host lies in low latency server and quicker information move speeds for clients inside the country.
DedicatedCore cPanel even helps in streaming your web files and even a lot more things you can handle with the cPanel dashboard. cPanel is a web-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) that simplifies website management.
Because of GUI, makes it easy to use and navigate. In between cPanel and Plesk, the cPanel control panel is the more popular one, and in some ways. On the other hand, it’s the default choice of a control panel for a lot of users.
Pros of cPanel:
Multiple Domain Support:
With DomainRacer cPanel there is the ability to manage multiple domains in a single interface, may it via WHM or via cPanel.
Ease of Use:
Because of the cPanel GUI, it is easy to use.
Cons Of cPanel:
In cPanel only open-source CentOS and commercial CloudLinux OS are supported. Windows, Unix, and other OS users need to look for another panel.
Licensing Costs:
cPanel costs more for the vps or dedicated servers. For small businesses or individuals might concern, especially since open-source alternative exists.
What is a Plex Control Panel?
Plesk and cPanel are not different but work on different modules. Plesk is also a web hosting control panel that allows users to manage hosting accounts easily. DomainRacer Plesk helps you to automate a wide range of activities, such as managing web files, and creating user accounts, and email accounts.
You can create and manage domains and more. Plesk can work on both Linux and Windows servers. Its feature is designed minimalistically that’s been developed to be intuitive. There is only one side bar which acts as a command center.
DedicatedCore Plesk offers server management and account management as standard, which even makes users’ life rapidly simple.
Pros of Plesk:
Advanced Tools:
Unlike other control panels, Plesk has several unique and useful features. Plesk offers easy-to-use integrated billing and automation solutions there is no necessity for third-party tools like WHMCS.
Good Interface:
Either Panel has a nice GUI, many users consider Pleask as a cleaner and better organized one.
Cons of Plesk:
Higher Price:
Plesk license is a pricer moreover, compared to its commercial competitors.
Disk Space:
Plesk needs the too much disk space used by backups. Servers can easily run out of disk space due to this reason.
Difference Between cPanel and Plesk
- cPanel is a UI that is a Graphic User Interface and Plesk has a GUI with Javascript.
- With cPanel you can deploy an SSL certificate as a security, and encrypt all data like messages, and blacklisted IP addresses. In Plesk, you can install security patches, fix bugs, and monitor all your plugin updates from one central dashboard.
- cPanel supported database’s MSSQL server or MySQL and Plesk can PhpMyAdmin for MySQL.
- In cPanel, there are Apache servers and Plesk has Apache and NGINX.
- DedicatedCore cPanel works on OS like, Amazon Linux, CentOS, CloudLinux and Plesk works on Windows Server 08, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and other Linux distros.
- With DomainRacer cPanel is done through WHM as cPanel alone isn’t enough and Plesk migrator is available as standard.
cPanel vs. Plesk: Which VPS Hosting Control Panel is Right for You?
There are a few factors to consider when choosing a VPS Hosting control panel, such as,
- User Interface
- Features and Tools
- Security
- Operating System
- Support
- Backup
Let’s get to know more about it
- User Interface
Plesk offers redesigned UX/UI with modern JavaScript technology. Basically, Plesk’s control panel is kind of similar to the WordPress admin panel. That’s why it is easy to use and very beginner-friendly.
Key Features:
-Beginners friendly
-Clean User’s interface
In cPanel for Linux, every item is grouped into sections. In its cPanel dashboard, you will see Files, Database, Domain, Security, Emails, Applications, and more.
Key Features:
Graphical User Interface
Allows customization
- Support
Getting technical support is a very crucial thing and the DedicatedCore control panel gives all kinds of support.
DomainRacer Plesk and cPanel both give 24/7/365 days of security without paying any fee. You can even raise a support ticket on cPanel support.
- Features and Tools
Plesk is secured with WordPress with one click. It works with both Linux and Windows. It is also compatible with Git.
cPanel install WHM in less than 5 minutes. Here you can build a Node.js application.
- Operating System
Where cPanel only works with Linux servers, Plesk is compatible with both Linux and Windows servers.
Plesk runs on multiple OS that include,
Cloud Linux
cPanel only functions with Linux. It can run on the following OS,
Cloud Linux
Amazon Linux
- Backups
Plesk offers 2 types of backup:
It has complete data which includes all data regardless of the time when the data was last updated and incremental backup. This only contains data that has changed since the previous backup.
This use of incremental backups minimizes the time of backup operation and the disk space occupied by backup files.
cPanel offers 3 types of backup
Compressed, all the information is saved in a compressed format and uses less disk.
Uncompressed, it takes more disk space but runs faster than the compressed one.
There is Incremental backup which uses hard links to save disk space.
Today, we discussed cPanel vs. Plesk and compared it. Both control panels can help you run and use a web server to its maximum potential.
DomainRacer and DedicatedCore are the providers who have been giving these control panels. You can choose whatever is best suited to your needs. Both Plesk and cPanel are awesome to go with.