According to a survey, a fair amount of Americans don’t believe in getting vaccinated. The main reason why most people are scared of something like this is that they don’t have knowledge and facts about vaccines before they start to form an opinion.
Vaccines are typically created with a partially dead or weakened version of the synthesized germ/virus. The exposure of these synthetically produced germs to our immune system stimulates it to produce a natural response without experiencing the disease symptoms.
The human immune system is then prompted to learn and memorize the germ or virus. This is a critical mechanism that will save you in the future if you were ever to contract the disease. Getting vaccinated ensures that if the virus ever enters your body, your immune system will be already prepared with a full-blown defense. Your symptoms will be much less severe, and the recovery time will be reduced
Let’s explore everything you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Table of Contents
Are Vaccines Harmful?
No! Vaccines do not harm your body at all but actually help boost your immune system and save your life! Getting vaccinated triggers the production of a healthy amount of antibodies that allow our immune system to instantly recognize a foreign invader and mount a defense attack against it.
The immune system is programmed to produce antibodies, whether from natural exposure to a virus or through a vaccine. The difference lies in the fact that your immune system is already acquainted with the virus and is ready to mitigate any ailment that the virus can cause with a vaccine.
Will COVID-19 Vaccines Save Me From The Different Variants?
Unvaccinated people have the greatest risk of getting infected with any virus variant. Research shows that fully vaccinated people experience less severe symptoms, and the vaccine also prevents them from getting any chronic illnesses. 25% of infected people had long-COVID symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, troubled concentration, etc., for months.
Research also shows that people infected by SARS-CoV-2 who had gotten doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine did not report any symptoms and had a lesser chance of developing common long-COVID symptoms. Vaccination reduces any chances of getting infected and down-regulates any severe COVID-19 symptoms by strengthening our immune system.
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What Are The Approved Vaccines For COVID-19?
Three COVID-19 vaccines are approved and authorized in the US. They are Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna (COVID-19 mRNA vaccines).
Building Herd Immunity
You might have heard of the term ‘herd immunity’ on the news, but what exactly is herd immunity? When a sufficient number of people have been vaccinated, vaccines protect the community from disease through herd immunity.
This is achieved when enough people have developed immunity against the virus, making it unlikely for the disease to spread further. Building herd immunity and vaccinating as many people as possible is vital to protect ourselves and our community from this deadly virus.
What Are The Side Effects?
After you get both shots of the COVID-19 vaccine, you might experience mild side effects. These side effects could include:
- Pain in your arm where the shot was given
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Muscle pain
- Headaches
- Chills
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Nausea and vomiting
- Joint pain
- Lightheadedness
Experiencing a fever for 1 or 2 days is also a common side effect of the vaccine. It is recommended to take painkillers like paracetamol if needed.
If your temperature lasts for longer than 2 days, you develop a new cough and lose your sense of smell or taste; you may have COVID-19. It’s best to stay home or speak to a doctor online about your symptoms. It isn’t possible to get COVID-19 from the vaccine, but it is possible to get it from exposure before or after the vaccine.
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Rare Side-Effects
Some of the rare side effects include:
Allergic Reaction
Some people get a severe allergic reaction to the ingredients of the vaccine. If you have any allergies, please let them be known to your doctor before getting vaccinated. Getting a serious allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is rare, but possible.
Blood Clots
A very rare blood clotting problem has also been observed in some people who got the COVID-19 vaccine. People who received Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine shots exhibited symptoms of blood clotting. No one knows why this happens since it is still under study.
Heart Inflammation
Some cases of myocarditis or heart inflammation have also been seen. This condition mostly appeared in men. Their symptoms were chest pain, pounding heart, and shortness of breath.
Get Professional Medical Help For COVID-19 At TelMDCare
With the advent of the pandemic, it is important to follow the rules and regulations and keep yourself and your family safe by getting vaccinated. Play your part in building herd immunity, save your community from contracting the virus, and get vaccinated today!
At TelMDCare, medical practitioners are available round the clock to provide you with the best online doctor consultations from the comfort of your home at the most affordable rates. If you experience any of the symptoms for COVID-19, you can book an online doctor’s appointment and receive professional treatment and guidance.
About the Author
The author is an RN that has been working on the front lines as an essential health worker in COVID wings and clinics. They also blog in their spare time to spread awareness about health-related issues.
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