Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Web Hosting: What’s the Difference?

If you are thinking about building a website, be it a portfolio, a blog, or an eCommerce store, you will need a web hosting service. Otherwise, you won’t be able to launch your website and get visitors.

While there are many types of web hosting, cloud hosting, and shared hosting are among the most popular and beginner-friendly ones.

Continue reading if you can’t choose between them – this article will explain how cloud hosting and shared hosting differ, together with their pros and cons.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

With cloud hosting, your web hosting services provider stores your data on multiple servers. Hence, if one server shuts down or faces problems, another server will make your website available online.

Furthermore, some web hosts store your data on multiple servers worldwide. It can benefit your website if you expect high international traffic as it speeds up the page loading time of your visitors abroad. Check Hostinger, they’re one of the providers with data centers around the world, including the USA, the UK, and Singapore.

Take Netflix as an example. It is available in 190 countries, so having servers worldwide creates a seamless streaming experience for subscribers from any of these countries.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Hosting

After knowing the general specifications of cloud hosting, let’s dive deeper into the pros and cons of using it.



Note that cloud hosting has its limitations. Thus if you have a large eCommerce website, you might want to consider choosing VPS hosting – it is even more powerful.

What Is Shared Web Hosting

As the name suggests, you share the server’s resources with other website owners in shared web hosting. Therefore, it is a suitable type of hosting for beginners who don’t expect many visitors.

Choose shared hosting if you are building a new eCommerce store or a static website like a portfolio or personal blog.

Pros and Cons of Shared Web Hosting

If you’re not sure whether you should choose shared web hosting, continue reading the pros and cons below to help you decide.




When looking for the right hosting type for your website’s needs, start with deciding on your website’s objective and the expected traffic. These are the main takeaways discussed in the article:

In conclusion, we recommend going for shared hosting first before upscaling to cloud hosting. However, if you are running a website that requires more security or storage, you should go for cloud hosting to avoid possible downtime.

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