The Chinese Style Lighter consists of two parts: the handle and the flame. Most Chinese Lighters are a long cylindrical tube, about the same size as a matches box. Inside the Chinese Style Lighter there is a burner, and this is the heart of the machine. The burner is typically made out of cast iron and has an open flame which is usually encased in an unbreakable lid. This type of Lighter has a long history in China, dating back to the times of the Forbidden City.
There are a number of different designs that you can choose from when looking for a Chinese Style Lighter. They include but not limited to, the following: Chinese coin lighter, Chinese style tobacco lighter, Chinese style double chin lighter, Chinese style flint lighter, Chinese style peanut butter lighter, Chinese dumplings lighter, Chinese dumpling torch lighter, Chinese gel candles, Chinese firecracker lighters, Chinese fountains, Chinese tea lights, Chinese tea lamps, and Chinese paper fans. As previously stated, these lighters come in a wide variety of styles and are available in both cheap and expensive prices. It is important to note, however, that the best lighters have a sturdy, solid base and the flame can be moved from side to side for added convenience.
In addition to the designs mentioned above, there is also an aesthetic component to the Chinese Lighters. Many Chinese Lighters are designed with Feng Shui, the art of arranging objects so that they create positive energies that bring good luck and prosperity into a home. Many Chinese designers pay close attention to the colors, shapes, and sizes of the different objects within their design, in order to make a more pleasing visual experience. Chinese Lighters represent a rich culture and heritage of craftsmanship. This aesthetic is best represented through the craftsmanship of Chinese lighters and other handcrafted objects.
There are many different kinds of materials used to create the different Chinese styles of lighters, and each has its own unique look and feel. Below are examples of the four main materials used: Iron, Pearl, Wood, and plastics. The metals commonly used are bronze, copper, nickel, and stainless steel. The materials listed above are very common and can be found in most every kind of Chinese Steampower. The most unique aspect of the Chinese style lighter is the ceramic lighters. These have a smooth finish and are often times very attractive.
Chinese style Lighters often combine the metal or ceramic elements with wood or paper to create their artistic element. Two common designs are found in Chinese lighters. One is a design that resembles a traditional Chinese pistol and the other is a modern steampunk lighter. A Chinese pistol design is found in most Chinese Lighters, but the gun holster design is more common to Westerners. Both styles are beautiful works of art.
The most popular design found in Chinese lighters is the long chimney design. It resembles a traditional lantern, and the handle is usually a flamed gold one. Many Chinese people keep kerosene lighters around for emergencies. Any emergency can be solved easily with one of these handy tools. Most kerosene lighters have an outside casing, but it is possible to find ones with an inside case as well. The inside cases usually contain lighter fluid and a spark plug.
The final element found in Chinese style wooden lighters is the aesthetic value. Many smokers choose these types of lighters because they add a certain aesthetic value to smoking. The ornamental value is not associated with the functionality, but it is important to some smokers. Some smokers who are not Chinese would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between a steampunk lighter and a traditional lantern.
All in all, the Chinese style wooden lighter is a great tool that enhances the pleasure associated with smoking. With the ornamental value and aesthetic value, steampunk lighter is probably the best Chinese product found on the market today. No matter which one you choose to purchase, make sure to get one that matches your taste and style!