Australian Government Helps with Indigenous Funding
Each year Naidoc week is celebrated throughout Australia, and it brings Naidoc Australians Together to support and encourage these celebrations. Planned events occur across the nation, and community events mark the week. People are encouraged to bring their families to activities in the parks, education on the history of Australia is increased in the schools and outside of them, and traditions both old and new are respected.
Through the National Indigenous Australians Agency, there are funds available for programs, support, and assistance. Naidoc is one of the activities that receive funding to allow for there to be events and celebrations in any community that wants one.
Funds for Naidoc week are released to the communities and community groups that are organizing events for the week. This can be used for food purchases for community BBQs, equipment rentals for tents or music equipment, educational equipment for schools and youth groups, and more. The goal of these events is to share information and provide educational materials to both teachers and students, as well as encourage the community to come together in appreciation and acknowledgment of the past of the country.
Other Indigenous funding includes education grants, activities such as dance and sports teams, cultural festivals, and environmental groups. Funding is available for community centers, sports fields, radio stations, training, and job preparation. Supports are made available based upon need and many applications are available online Through the National Indigenous Australians Agency, there are funds available for programs, support, and assistance.
Join in the Celebrations
With celebrations held across the country, each large city will have events all week and smaller towns may have weekend events and gatherings. Several sports tournaments occur over the weekends, community concerts in the park, and family events in the park are planned. Events are made for families with young children as well as events for older teens and adults. Each member of the community as well as visitors is welcome to join the festivities.
Workplaces are also encouraged to engage with Naidoc week and there are packages available to help educate the workplace about the history of Naidoc week and why it is in place. This helps to bring the community together and helps there to be an understanding of the background and culture that is present.
The week is intended to celebrate and renew the culture that was present for the entirety of the history of Australia. Australia Day was originally a celebration of the day that the British landed as the time that Australia came to be as it is now, however it has been acknowledged that through that process the culture, the people, the languages, and more that were present before that date were lost. Naidoc week is one of how that culture is represented through education and communities are encouraged to come together to celebrate the country and all of its people. This week is key to the communities of the area and is an important time for everyone to enjoy the best foods, events, sports, and music.