Big brother Naija also known as BBnaija, previously known as Big Brother Nigeria, is a Nigerian reality competition television series based on the Big Brother television franchise, in which contestants live in an isolated house for 90days and compete for a large cash prize and other material prizes by avoiding being evicted from the house by viewers who vote for their favorite housemates to stay in the show at the end of the show. Bbnaija show started in 2006 and since then there have been six (6) Big brother Naija shows.
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Winners of The big brother Naija Biography
Here we will be writing a short biography of big brother naija housemates from 2006 to 2021
Katung Aduwak
Katung Aduwak was the first winner of the Big Brother Nigeria reality TV show aired between March 5 and June 4, 2006. He was born on March 21, 1980, in Kaduna state, Nigeria. He hails from Zonkwa, Kaduna State, and is a scriptwriter, producer, and director. After emerging as the winner of the reality TV show, Aduwak proceeded to New York to further his education at the Digital Film Academy, graduating with a directorial degree and going into filmmaking
Michael Ejeba Efe
Michael Ejeba also known as Efe, is a Nigerian singer, media personality, songwriter, and rapper. Efe was born on February 25, 1993, in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. He is the winner of Big Brother Naija season 2 also known as Big Brother Naija: See Gobbe. It was started on 22 January 2017 and comes to an end after 78 days.
Miracle Igbokwe
Miracle Igbokwe is a Nigerian pilot and model from Imo State who was born on February 17, 1995. In 2018, He won season 3 of the Big Brother Naija reality TV show which was broadcast on 28 January and ended on 22 April 2018. He was appointed by the Imo State governor Rochas Okorocha as the ambassador of education on the 30th of April 2018. he graduated from an aviation school in the United States in 2019
Mercy Eke
Mercy Eke is a Nigerian media personality, actress, video vixen, and entrepreneur from Imo State. Eke hails from imo state to Lagos, Nigeria. She attended Egbu Girls Secondary School in Owerri and graduated from Imo State University in 2014. Eke appeared as a vixen in the music video for Davido and Ichaba’s single “Baby Mama”. In 2019, Mercy eke won season 4 of Big Brother Naija and became the first woman to win the reality show.
Olamilekan Massoud Al-Khalifah Agbeleshebioba popularly known as Laycon, is a Nigerian Rapper, media personality, singer, and songwriter. Laycon was born on November, 8th, 1993 in Lagos State, Nigeria. He is a native of Baluwen, Odeda, Ogun State. In 2020, Laycon was declared the winner of the Big brother Naija: Lockdown scoring a record 60% of the total votes cast, and went home with the ₦85 million grand prize.
Hazel Oyeze Onou popularly known as Whitemoney was born on July 6th, 1992 in Enugu State, Nigeria, but he grew up in Kaduna State. Whitemoney is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and reality TV star. He entered the 6th season of Big Brother Naija as the fifth contestant on 24 July 2021. On October 3rd, 2021. He was declared the winner of Big Brother Naija season 6 Shine Ya Eye show.
That is all for the Big brother Naija Housemate from season 1 to season 6. The Biography of big brother naija 2022 housemates is coming soon