Amazing Garden Cleanup Tips You Should Know

Gardens are a source of outdoor beauty for homes across the world. Every culture has a way of blending the natural world with their home, connecting them to nature. There are even health benefits associated with gardening!

But, for all the good that gardens can bring, they also have some inconveniences. For most people, the worst inconvenience is cleaning the garden.

Fall garden cleanup prepares your plants for their spring bloom. Tidying up the space gives them room to grow and resources to use.

Fortunately, garden cleanup doesn’t have to be super difficult! You can simplify garden cleanup using the four garden cleanup tips in this guide. Check them out to enjoy a more painless gardening experience!

Keep the Leaves in Your Garden Bed Cleanup

People often overestimate how much work they need to do for their fall garden cleanup. Sometimes, you can skip steps that seem important.

An example of this is cleaning the leaves out of your garden bed. Sure, a cleaned-up garden bed is prettier than one covered in leaves. But, those leaves have a beneficial component.

As leaves break down, they feed the soil. This feeding helps your plants to thrive. When spring comes, you can mulch right over whatever leaves remain.

Use Your Lawn Mower as a Vacuum for Leaves

The easiest way to remove leaves from your yard is with your lawnmower. Lawnmower bag attachments allow them to suck up leaves, acting as an outdoor vacuum cleaner.

All you have to do is rake or blow leaves into a loose pile. From there, use your mower to suck them up.

The leaves then fill up your bag. What you do with them next is up to your discretion.

You can add the leaves to your garden bed or include them in a compost bin. Another option is to forget the bag and mulch your leaves directly into your lawn. After all, leaves can feed grass, too.

If you don’t have a lawnmower, that’s okay! You can also hire professionals like those at to handle your leaves.

Use a Hedge Trimmer to Cut Back Perennials

Some traditionalists insist on using hand-held garden clippers for trimming their plants and cutting perennials down to size. These clippers give you more control in shaping the plant.

However, if you’re in a hurry, you can also use standard hedge trimmers for the task. Don’t worry; the gardening gods won’t smite you for it!

Hedge trimmers speed this process up and let you focus on other cleanup procedures. Consider using them if you’re in a rush.

Focus on Essential Tasks

If your garden cleanup checklist is pages long, you’re probably doing too much. Remember, gardening isn’t something you can fully control. Sometimes, nature insists on having her way.

Instead of focusing on every landscaping detail, focus on the essential cleanup tasks. Everything else works itself out in the end.

Simplify Your Garden Cleanup

Garden cleanup is an essential part of garden maintenance. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be overly difficult. Instead, use these garden cleanup tips to simplify your cleaning!

We hope you enjoyed this article! If so, check out our other gardening and landscaping tips today.

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