Live captioning is one of the best ways to make college and university classes easy to understand. Live captions are often used by learners attending either a live-streamed lecture or an in-person lecture. It offers learners instant access to text versions of spoken words, letting them follow the tutorial or lecture as it takes place.
Here are the reasons why closed captioning is important.
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1. Live captions clarify videos for learners
Even though closed captioning for education is essential to avert disability discrimination, there are numerous additional advantages. Captions assist all learners to understand and concentrate on educational videos. They clarify the conversation whenever:
• A speaker has a unique accent
• Technical terminologies are used
• Audio is too quiet or muffled
• The surrounding is noisy
These things can distract the learner’s concentration, but with live captions, learners will easily follow along with no issue.
2. Live captions help foreign language and ESL learners
There are over 4 million students attending public learning institutions in the USA who are not native speakers; and many international learners who come to the US. Live captions are an excellent method to assist no native speakers in understanding main concepts, particularly when handling technical subjects.
3. Captions help learners with learning difficulties
Learning difficulties affect many learners. This can affect the learner’s success when they want to further their studies when not addressed. In 2014, just 17 percent of teenagers with learning difficulties got accommodation and support in their post-secondary education due to their disability. Live captions are an impactful but straightforward means to help learners who have issues processing speech and auditory elements in the media.
4. Live captions enhance literacy and reading comprehension.
Carmen Craig and Greg McCall discovered that reading comprehension ratings from learners went up drastically when captioned educational content was utilized compared to the uncaptioned videos. Another finding done by Planet Read indicated that captioning on Television in India increased the literacy level of kids, doubling the figure of functional early age readers.
5. Live captions improve focus and retention.
Since live captions are pleasing to watch, they let learners lead as they watch. This mixture of visuals and audio forms the greatest learning environment for learners. The US Department of Labor tested research topics; recall for data delivered visually, orally, or both visually and orally after a 3-day duration.
The oral-oral had a data retention rate of 10 percent, while the visual-only had a 35 percent retention rate. However, the mixture of the two leads to a 65 percent retention rate.
6. Live captions improve exam scores.
Professor Robert Keith Collins of San Francisco State University performed research on captioned -educational videos https://news.sfsu.edu/video-captions-improve-comprehension-professor-finds. In the first year of a two-year case study, Keith released the videos without any caption to determine a baseline of learners’ compensation. In the second year, he incorporated captions and started to notice an improvement in understanding and scores.
His learners went from getting F’s, D’s, and C’s in the uncaptioned year to C’s, B’s, and A’s in the second year. Learners noted that captions assisted them in concentrating and writing helpful notes.
7. Captions allow search across different video platforms
Learning institutions can utilize their various video platforms as a great library. If the videos are uncaptioned, students will need to scroll through the whole database to get what they need. Whenever you use captioning services to create transcripts and captions, the textual info opens the videos up to the complete video library search. Instead of scrolling through many videos, you can search by concepts, keywords, speakers, and many more within a short time, and all videos will pop up.
8. Captions build new study aids
Live caption data offers two great ways for the learners to learn and interact with the video tutors. Some video surroundings let the students search for concepts, keywords, and speakers as the video play. This allows the learners to directly go to terms and concepts seek information without watching the entire video many times.
Besides, captions have transcripts. So, whenever the lecture incorporates transcripts with educational videos, students will lead along with the videos, print the transcripts, and take notes.
When creating online captioning for education, you need to make sure you offer 99 percent accurate captions to avoid violating ADA and Section 504. In this case, you can hire a third-party captioning service.