Nowadays, it seems like we’re always talking about one form of artificial intelligence or another. Many people want to know how artificial intelligence might change the face of their business or their day-to-day lives. Others still want to know what kinds of limitations we should expect from an AI-fueled world.
Today, we’re going to talk about a type of artificial intelligence that shouldn’t be overlooked: voice technology. In fact, you may already use voice technology in your home or office without realizing it.
Voice technology has the ability to transcribe audio, including active conversations, in real-time. It even has the ability to respond.
Why should you care about voice AI technology? What should you know about the different ways that voice technology is used today? Read on to find out about these six interesting voice technology facts.
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1. Voice Technology Works Faster Than Other Transcribing Methods
Whether you want to search for something on your phone or transcribe a conversation that you’re having with a client, the fastest way to get the job done involves voice technology. This can change the way that we personally interact with technology and the way that businesses use technology to improve operations.
How much faster is voice technology than, say, typing? One study found that it was at least three times faster and 20% less likely to make errors in English. In Chinese, it was 60% less likely to make errors, making it a great choice for international usage.
2. Voice Technology Is Already a Household Staple
When new technology comes along, businesses and institutions often hesitate to jump on board because their consumers and clients may not be ready. This isn’t the case with voice assistant technology, which is already a household staple. All you have to do is look at voice technology statistics to see that many people are quite familiar with the way that voice technology works.
Let’s break down some of these statistics to paint a clearer picture. An estimated 75% of households will have at least one voice technology speaker (aka smart speaker) by 2025. About 34% of US internet users have used voice technology online and 27% of smartphone owners use voice technology on their smartphones.
That doesn’t just tell us that voice technology is already widely used. It also indicates that voice technology is easy to learn how to use.
3. Voice Technology Makes Advertising Interactive
One innovative way that businesses are taking advantage of voice technology is in the advertising arena. Because ad blockers are on the rise and many internet users are critical of paid advertisements, it’s important to locate new avenues of communication and marketing that work. Voice technology may just be the answer.
How does voice technology advertising work? Imagine that you’re listening to music on your smart speaker and an advertisement begins to play, asking if you want to learn more. When you say yes, you get more information followed by a call to action (like signing up for an email list or making a direct purchase) that you can complete using simple voice commands.
This is a great way to take advantage of omnichannel marketing methods and boost your marketing conversion rate.
4. Voice Technology Appeals to Users of All Ages
Few technological advancements appeal to users across all age demographics. Typically, you need to adopt different methods to reach and entice different demographics. Voice technology, on the other hand, seems to appeal to users of all ages.
About half of Baby Boomers, 70% of Generation Xers, and 81% of Millennials and Gen Z members have already reported regular voice technology usage. As the prevalence and reliability of voice technology continue to grow, these numbers are likely to increase.
5. Voice Technology Isn’t Just for Businesses
We’ve mentioned a few ways that voice technology is useful to business owners but the truth is that many different organizations can benefit. One important step to take in the coming years is helping educators embrace voice AI.
As class sizes grow, it becomes increasingly important to find new ways to customize education plans for each student. Voice AI technology can do just that by adapting lesson plans based on student responses. Voice technology can enhance the learning experience across subjects and age groups.
6. Voice Technology Can Make the World More Accessible
As technology advances, we have important choices to make about making the world a more accessible place. Some believe that technology has a tendency to leave demographics behind, while others recognize the equity that it can create.
Voice technology can play a unique role in improving accessibility in all environments. For example, real-time transcriptions can help deaf or hard of hearing people participate in conversations both online and off. Voice technology can also make internet usage more accessible for blind or low vision people by providing sightless ways to search for and read information online.
By making our world a more accessible place, we improve the conditions for everyone.
How Will Voice Technology Transform Your Life?
Chances are, you’ve used voice technology at least once already and didn’t realize it. Now that you know more about voice technology and the many ways that it can be used, how will it transform your life? From organizational growth to personal use, voice technology is the future.
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